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Capo Dei Capi (Secrets of the Famiglia Part 1) novel Chapter 65

“If you touch her, I will not be happy,” I warn him not for the first time. Both of us knowing who we are talking about.

“Sometimes you make it hard to love you brother.”

I tighten my jaw still staring at the picture of Amariya, her face under the black hoody as she walks in a dark alley.

Where the fuck are you, cousin?

“Not impossible. I am happy with Camilla. You know that, her and I have history. Aliyana needs to move on without you playing knight. It was never going to work with her. She is a Mezzosangue.” My voice remains just as calm and soft but my words are not. My brother is close to Aliyana. Too close and people were asking questions. My father one of them. Those questions weren’t of the nice kind that would easily be put to rest. Sartini wasn’t a man who let things slide easily away. He took the smallest thing fucking seriously. For good reason. In our world you had to be cruel to remain alive.

Her father called me a few days ago, requesting I remind Deno of the lines he crossed ‘disappearing' with Aliyana. What I wanted to know was why Deno found Aliyana a point of interest since Ren passed on. One can never know with my brother.

He gets up into my face and glares at me as he slams the picture in his hand behind me on the counter. My face remains impassive while my brother’s scowl says how not impressed he actually is.

He looks like the fucking Capo he was born to be with his death glare aimed at me. He is pissed. Not something new, rather something I was expecting when I sent him a message informing him of my engagement. If he just smiled and gave me a pat on the back, then he would not be my brother.

“Keep telling yourself that. You know what pisses me off about this entire fuckin’ thing? Is the fact that you stand here spilling out fuckin’ bullshit. You go to Camilla and fuck her, whispering those fuckin’ sweet nothings in her ear, professing your love and devotion, but yet the first thing you do when you leave her house is call your little minion. You spend more time at Aliyana’s house waiting to see her even if it is a fuckin’ glare she’s aiming your way from her window, for those seconds you pass her. Then you warn off every fucker that wants her? Yeah brother, I know what you told Piero when he mentioned her at the gala. The only person you are fooling is your fuckin’ self. If you want her then fucking take her, but don’t keep her in your back pocket, hurting, when you and I both know she deserves much better.”

I take a deep breath as I glide my fingers through my hair. I need a fucking haircut and a stiff drink. One thing my brother knows how to do is give me a fucking headache.

“I am a fuckin’ Catelli, we don’t go back on our word. What the fuck do you expect me to do? Start a war over pussy?”

He puts his finger on my suit jacket,

“You’re also a DeMarco, we take what we want, and Aliyana Capello is what you want, a Mezzosangue. Take her, or let her go, but let me tell you something Marco, I have spent time with Aliyana and I have spent time with Camilla and if I have to choose, I would start a fucking war any day.”

I have never seen my brother so worked up about something unless it was worth something. I know what he is telling me, but it won’t change my mind.

“Camilla is going to be my wife, it is what it is. I know your feelings toward Camilla isn't misguided. Six months ago your were telling me I shouldn't marry her and I should marry Camilla, now you have completely gone 360. I love Camilla, she makes me happy, and Mischa loves her which is the most important thing. Try to be happy for me.” I keep my voice low, explaining things to my brother.

You keep the nightmares away Marco. Camilla's words play in my head and that feeling around my heart tightens.

“Sir.” Comes my soldier Sandro, his black suit and white shirt fit him like he is a model, not the killer he was trained to be or the right-hand soldier to the most dangerous man in the State.

“What?” I ask him as he turns and walks down the hall with Deno and I following behind, side by side.

Chapter 65 (Marco) 1


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