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Capture Your Heart novel Chapter 220

After thinking over and over again, Karin finally decides to call home.

She tremblingly dials the familiar number, and the call is quickly answered. When she hears the long-lost and familiar voice, her eyes are wet...


"Hello, who is it? Why don't you speak?"

"Hello, hello, are you listening?"

Jane on the other end of the phone speaks a few times but there is no responding. She suddenly stops speaking, ponders for a moment, and asks in a trembling voice, "Is it Karin?"

Karin can't help it anymore, and cries hard, "Mom, it's me..."

Six years, six years later, Jane is heartbroken and speechless when she hears her daughter's voice again. For a while, only the cry of the other end is heard.

"Sorry, I haven't called you for so long, sorry mom..."

Karin cries and apologizes. Jane’s tears are quickly rolling down. It will be lying if she says she doesn’t blame her daughter. Even if her father doesn’t forgive her, how could she not call her at all for five years. If her father is cruel, she feels that her daughter is even crueler than her dad.

"How are you?"

Jane doesn’t blame her. Instead, she is more concerned about whether her daughter live well.

Karin closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and replies, "I'm doing great. I'm already married."

"Do you have children..."

"I have a daughter."

She tries her best to answer her mother's question in a very happy tone, no matter how painful she is, she can't show any of it.

"Remember what your dad said?"


"Then when are you going to come back?"

Karin's hand holding the phone begins to tremble, and the thing she worries the most finally comes, "Mom, my husband is very busy at work, can it be just me and my child going back?"

"Then wait until he is not busy and come back together. It's been a few years. It's time for us to meet him."

"He is very busy every day, the company can't run without him, can I just take my daughter home?"

There is no sound on the phone, she waits nervously for her mother to speak, but she doesn’t expect that the phone is picked up by her father.

"No matter how busy you are, you have to come back together. Is it more important to make money than to meet your wife's family?"


Karin covers her mouth, and her tears fall again. How long has it been? It's been a long time since she heard her father's voice last time. It has been such a long time that she can't even distinguish between reality and dream.

"Can’t you come back, really?" Mike pauses, "Forget it, since it is not convenient for you, then I will visit you with your mother."


In panic, she refuses without even thinking about it. If her parents know that she is no longer in Zurich, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"What's the matter with you?"

Mike seems to be aware that something is wrong, and asks in confusion, "You don’t want to come back and don’t want us to visit, what happened?"

"No, nothing happened, I'm having a good life, and I'm very happy..."

"I have to see it with my own eyes. Either it is you coming back with them, or me and your mother visiting you, make a choice."

She has no other choice, even if she died, she could not let her mother know that she is completely on the same road as her grandmother’s. The daughter of an illegitimate daughter has given birth to another illegitimate daughter. Her mother won’t be able to take it...

"Well, we’ll go back."

Mike breathes a sigh of relief, "When will you be back?"

"I have to discuss with him first and call you back when it’s confirmed."


After hanging up the phone, Karin falls on the bed and cries loudly. She doesn’t want to deceive her parents over and over again. But it is her fate that forces her into such a desperate situation. She doesn’t want to hurt her parents, so she can only live a chaotic life where she has to tell a new lie to cover the old one.

In the evening, she struggles for a long time and calls William.

In the past five years, she has only called him only twice. The first time because she was isolated and helpless when she gave birth to Esme, and the second time, it is now, because she is really desperate.

The phone is answered, and she says lightly, "If you are free, let's meet at Uegashima Coffee."


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