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Capture Your Heart novel Chapter 224

It's Esme's fifth birthday. William waits at the doorway for Esme and Karin to show up.

But for Esme's beg, Karin won't take his suggestion. She recalls what happened last night—

"Mom, tomorrow is my fifth birthday. Can you stop your work to play with me?"

She nods. "Okay."

"Will William join us? He agreed to take me to Hyde Park if only you agree."

"No. I can take you to Hyde Park if you want, but William is too busy, and you can't bother him."

"But he said he wouldn't be busy. Just let him join us, please. He can hold me in his arms if I'm too tired to walk."

Looking at her face filled with anticipation, Karin is left in a dilemma as she neither wants to frequently meet William nor lets her daughter down. "If you get tired tomorrow, we can call a cab."

"Too boring! Others can have their parents by their side, but I…"

Esme instantly covers her mouth with her palms as she realizes she has said something hurts her mother. Noticing her mother's darkened face, she lowers her head. "Fine, I don't want William to join us."

Karin feels her tears welling up as she finds she can't fail her this time. Esme has been suppressed her true feelings for Karin for the last five years.

"If William's not busy tomorrow, we'll invite him to join us."

"Really? You'll let him in if he's available?"

Karin nods. "Of course."


Esme happily scurries to the living room and calls William to tell him the good news.

What a sunny day for fun!

"Happy birthday!"

William gives Esme a beautiful gift, and she takes it with a smile. "Thanks!"

"Have your mom given you any gifts?" William asks Esme in whisper when Karin is not around.

"Not yet."

Esme answers in whisper, too.

"Where to go?" William asks Karin

"I know! I'm the boss today!"

Esme pats her chest with her hands.

"Fine. Where do you want to go?"

"Hyde Park is the first, and we'll go to Buckingham Palace. Then the London Eye, Tower of London, and…"

"Too many places."

Karin levels Esme with a disapproving look.

"How many places we can visit in a day?"

"Two, at most."

Esme frowns and gives her decision unwillingly. "Fine. Hyde Park and the London Eye."

When they went to Hyde Park, Esme screams happily in William's arms. She used to want to come here, but Karin was afraid she'd be too tired.

At noon, William drives them to Hutong for lunch. Karin says with confusion, "The place is too fancy for lunch."


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