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CEO Proposed to His Ex-wife 99 Times novel Chapter 102

When it was time to clock out, Marshall just left with Katherine and didn’t work overtime.

When they were in the car, Katherine smiled while wearing the seatbelt, “I remembered that you almost worked late every day before. What happened?”

After freezing for a second, Marshall said, “There is a big project before. Now it’s all over.”

Katherine nodded.

Marshall pursed his lips and started driving.

But actually, he wasn’t entirely going home late for work before.

Maybe he just didn’t want to see Katherine from the bottom of his heart.

Katherine then took off her shoes comfortably and started humming songs with her legs crossed.

Marshall would occasionally glance at Katherine.

She was really laid back now and even would shake her body to the song beats.

Marshall let out a smile and stepped on the gas pedal.

There were not that many of car driving up the mountain, so Marshall didn’t hesitate on the car speed. They got to the Grants mansion pretty quickly.

Katherine clutched at the seatbelt and turned to Marshall. Though she was frightened, Katherine still managed a smile, “What happened? We’re practically flying! Are you this hungry to hurry home?”

Marshall didn’t respond and just pulled the car into the yard.

Katherine waited for the car to stop and got out of the car hastily.

She then took a deep breath, “If something had happened to us on the way, would it be counted as work injury?”

Marshall turned to Katherine silently.

Katherine grinned and patted her mouth, “Well, forget it! I’m just blabbering. We would all be safe and sound. You would lead a happy life with your sweet Clara and so will I with my lover.”

Marshall just ignored Katherine and headed to the main building.

Standing on the ground, Katherine curled her lips and then followed along.

What’s with the anger all of a sudden?

Old Mrs. Grant seemed to be chatting with Mrs. Grant in the living room.

Mrs. Grant was beaming with smiles and though Old Mrs. Grant wasn’t exactly laughing, she seemed relaxed.


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