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CEO Proposed to His Ex-wife 99 Times novel Chapter 175

Dolly, the female employee of WF Group, contacted the journalists last night, and was interviewed this morning.

It was said that many journalists rushed to her city that very night.

They worked hard to get some latest inside scoop.

Katherine took out her phone immediately.

She didn’t even need to look for it and saw the gossip about Marshall in the column of "local entertainment news".

Dolly’s interview was indeed the top search now, and her photo was attached.

Probably, Dolly wanted to win some sympathy, so she didn’t put on any makeup this time and looked very haggard.

The interview wasn’t long because she quit halfway due to poor mental state.

Katherine skimmed through the information given by this Dolly.

Dolly revealed that Marshall and her had got along so well during the two days they worked together.

As for Katherine, Dolly said she had never met her.

Marshall didn’t tell her in advance that he would come with his wife.

Besides, Katherine took no part in the whole process.

Actually, that was true.

After that, Dolly said that she had always admired Marshall. In addition, the Grant family ran a huge business, so Marshall was nothing but a great existence in her mind.

During the dinner party on that day, everyone drank a lot, and things got out of control.

Dolly claimed that she had no intention to condemn Marshall. All she wanted to do was make an apology to Katherine via media.

She regretted that she had hurt Katherine.

As things had gone this far, she had already resigned, and intended to leave this industry.

She wouldn’t expect Katherine to forgive her, but she felt really sorry.

Katherine read the interview with a sneer.

Wasn’t this Dolly good at acting?

She couldn’t be better at lying through her teeth.

Compared to Dolly, Katherine was totally a noob.

Katherine glanced over the news again and didn’t see Marshall’s reply.


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