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CEO Proposed to His Ex-wife 99 Times novel Chapter 186

Later, Katherine was finally aware of that she was getting drunk.

She stopped immediately, waving her hand. “Nah, nah, I drank too much.”

Hector nodded in agreement. “True.”

It’s not a good idea to get drunk here.

Katherine got to her feet. “I gotta go home, it’s not safe for me to stay outside now that I’m drunk.”

Waddling though she was, Katherine was still cautious of her own safety.

Hector grabbed his guitar, walked out the bar holding Katherine.

The two of tow got in Hector’s car.

Katherine dozed off when she got in the car.

She reclined against the seatback, her face red.

Hector felt some type of way about Katherine’s trust for him. She had told him so much, and drank so much.

She never thought about what if he had some ill intention.

Hector started the car drove to Katherine’s house.

It was already late when they got there.

Marshall was still up in the sofa and had switched channel countless times.

His patience wore off as time went by.

Finally he heard a vehicle coming as light flashed by.

He stood up in an instant.

Hector parked his car right outside the yard.

Katherine was sound asleep.

Hector had tried to wake her twice but all failed.

At the end, he had no choice but to hug Katherine out of the car.

First time holding a girl. Hector was surprised to find how light a girl could be.

He lowered his head to look at Katherine, who was totally unconscious. If she was found by someone crooked, things could be terrible.

Marshall exited the house when Hector had just stepped in the yard.

His face was a gloom.


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