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CEO Proposed to His Ex-wife 99 Times novel Chapter 88

Katherine had changed.

The maid had already heard the words from Mrs. Grant this afternoon.

Upon looking closer now, Katherine had indeed changed.

Her personality had become independent and she had become cold-hearted.

She used to be very kind and gentle, smiled at anyone she met, and treated the maids with a caring attitude.

But just now, when she said thank you, she used a neutral tone and was emotionless.

She had changed.

The maid went out, closed the door behind her, and then slowly walked downstairs.

Mrs. Grant was complaining downstairs.

She was complaining about how Katherine had talked back at her and how she had challenged her.

She even mentioned Katherine almost got into a fight with her.

Marshall did not react in the beginning, but he frowned when he heard the last few words, “Did she hit you?”

Mrs. Grant's expression was slightly uncomfortable, "That's not true, she didn't have the guts to do that, she just smashed the bottle of perfume I bought, right in front of me."

Speaking of which, Mrs. Grant was furious.

The perfume just flew right past her face at that moment.

If the perfume bottle was a little off, it would have smashed her face.

Marshall nodded, “Just dropped a bottle of perfume. If you like it, I’ll buy you another bottle.”

Mrs. Grant tutted as she was unhappy, “It’s not just about a bottle of perfume, you didn’t understand what I meant, you didn’t see her attitude at that moment. Marshall, why did you bring this kind of person back? I didn’t say anything when you guys were still married. Now, why should the Grant family help her when you are divorced.”

Marshall thought for a while, “This matter is a bit complicated. I will tell both of you together when dad comes home later, but now Katherine needs to stay here. Mom, treat her nicely.”

Marshall looked at Mrs. Grant and talked with a serious tone, “I know what you did before, I just don’t care about it. I know you have mistreated her.”

Mrs. Grant pursed her lips and felt embarrassed. She hummed and hawed, “How am I treating her badly.”

She pulled her face and said, “ I have been treating her well. Not to say that she was married to you with such a family background, If she was in another family, she might be treated like a maid.”

Marshall didn’t like to argue or reasoned with Mrs. Grant because it had been many times that his father, Khalid Grant, couldn’t even reason with her.

All Marshall could say was, “When she married me, she and I were one unity. How you treat her is the same as how you’re treating me.”

“How can you and her be the same?” Mrs. Grant glared, “You are the heir of the Grant family, the whole Grant family will be yours in the future.”


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