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Claiming His Tempting Mate novel Chapter 66

Savannah's POV

Finally it is a big day today. I woke up early in the morning with excitement. Today the crowning ceremony will be a big day for me. Because of this pregnancy my body is a little weak but I am still jovial from inside. My body is dancing with excitement.

After bathing Luina brought me a pair of lingerie sets which matched the dress I am going to wear. I don't know how she chose it but whatever it is I am glad that she did. I wore lingerie then Wore my silk robe.

After a few knocks the door pushed open revealing Jenny and Sadie. After my pregnancy was confirmed these two didn't leave me alone. Jenny was holding my breakfast while Sadie was with her medical box.

"Do you need to carry that all the time?" I pointed to the box.

"I am a doctor. Who knows when it's going to be needed so I prepared in advance. I can't run back and forth to grab this'' she smirked.

"Smart one" I shrugged.

"Your breakfast is here Mistress" Jenny put the tray on the table. "Today I brought something new. Since there is a ceremony tonight you need to eat little early"

"I am not hungry though," I replied.

"You can try a little , you know. Even if you are not hungry, have something even if it's little in amount" she persuaded.

"Okay" I glanced at the tray again. The food looks delicious. And suddenly I want to eat all of them. God this pregnancy made me do things that I never did.

"It's delicious" I moaned when I ate the food.

Sadie sat on the couch looking at me with a smirk "I think I heard someone said she is not hungry at all"

"Are you mocking me?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"I don't dare," she replied immediately.

Jenny chuckled at the side "I am glad you like it. Do you like pudding?"

"It's super-duper delicious. It's a new recipe?"

She nodded "I checked it last night. It has all good ingredients to nourish your body so I tried it today"

I nodded "you really know how to increase others' appetite. Do you have more?"

Her eyes widened "you want more pudding?"

I grinned sheepishly at her. She let out a laugh then shook her head before leaving the room.

"I saw Alpha outside. He was arranging things for the ceremony. When he saw us going in he personally instructed us to take good care of you" Sadie said.

I popped the pancake in my mouth and looked at her "he is worried about the baby"

"Of course he does" she nodded "I have never seen him this happy. Sometimes I find it like a miracle you know. The man who never knew how to smile is now grinning ear to ear and it's all because of you. This is the first time Dark Forest is holding a ceremony after so many years"

"What do you mean? There's no celebration in these past years?" I was shocked.

She shook her head "no, you must be feeling confused but Alpha is not someone who likes celebration. Even when the pack achieves something good there's only few wine toasting then it's all done"

"When was the last ceremony?" I asked her. There are so many things that I don't know. But I am curious about it. Hardwick doesn't tell me because he thinks it will ruin my mood.

"The last ceremony was the funeral of the late Alpha-Luna. On the same day brother Hardwick declared himself as the Alpha of Dark Forest"

"Ok the same day?" I looked at her with wide eyes.

Sadie nodded "yes. The death was sudden. Alpha was not in good health at that time. So when suddenly he died, unexpectedly Luna couldn't hold herself and breathed her last. She lost her life holding late Alpha's hand. It was like a couple sacrificing themselves with the love they had for each other. It was a tragic moment and everyone thought what would happen to the pack since the heir was young and inexperienced. But to everyone's surprise Alpha took the responsibility and handed the pack matters better than late Alpha. That's why the elders in the East Side couldn't interfere in Alpha s work and ruling"

I nodded. Hardwick has suffered so many things at such a young age. Taking care of the whole pack and also handling the pack matters are not simple matters. Even Devak makes mistakes under dad's guidance. Where Hardwick didn't have his father to show him and teach him. He has learnt everything by himself and now he is standing firmly on the top where no one can compete with him. Such a magnificent character, how can I not feel proud. My chest filled with praise for my mate and his own devotion to the pack responsibility.

"He is mature enough to understand everything and this kind of talent is really rare to find," I smiled.

"You are totally right Luna. If it were others in his place, then there would not be a Dark Forest in the wolf tribe at all" Sadie agreed.

Jenny returned holding a bowl. She placed it on the tray and smiled "have this, If you want more I will make again"

"Thanks Jenny" I smiled and grabbed the bowl. My mouth watered suddenly and I started to eat it with a big bite.

"I never knew you were so craving for this" Jenny looked shocked.

I laughed "it's not me actually" I pointed to my belly "it's all because of this"

Sadie and Jenny laughed together. Once I am done I feel satisfied. I even asked Jenny to make it again and she happily agreed. Soon the make-up artist arrived.

"The designer brought your shoes and jewelry. And I must says it's matching the dress and so fucking beautiful" Sadie opened the box which was sent few minutes ago. Her eyes were shining as she looked inside the box.

"Of course it will be after all, the Master personally asked for it" Jenny replied as she pulled out the jewelry boxes. Earrings, necklace, bracelet and a pair of hair clips. All are so pretty that I fell in love with it"

"Ask Ryan to buy you a set. That man had more money and could afford fucking expensive things" Sadie smirked "you should make a good use of him"

Jenny rolled her eyes "who wants his things. Humph! he always goes around flirting then wasting money and gifting things to his girlfriends. I don't want to take anything from him, especially jewelries" Jenny replied.

"That's his habit" Sadie rolled her eyes. She pulled out something then handed me a tablet "here, I almost forgot to give you this. It will help you relax your body and give you strength to go through the ceremony"


She nodded "and there is another one. It makes your body strong and will keep your spirit in high spirits for 48 hours" she waved a yellow coloured tablet.

"Will it affect the baby?" I frowned.

"No it has no side effects but after 48 hours you will feel sleepy and tired because you have used all your energy and will put you to deep slumber"

"How long?"

"May for 12 hours minimum," Sadie shrugged, "but why are you asking so much? You don't need this"

"I know" I nodded "I was just curious"

The makeup artist did her job well. Once my makeup was done I put the dress on and wore the jewelry.

Chapter 66 1


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