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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 182

Rose deeply felt how strong Bright was.

She also remembered her first night with Bright was in the Four Seasons Hotel. She had intended to have sex with Bright to save Sky.

That time, she drugged Bright to sleep with him. Bright, who was controlled by the drug, tormented her. But she also got great pleasure and satisfaction.

This time, she took the initiative to tease him. Bright was sober, but was no better than when he was drugged. Rose was so tired that she collapsed on the bed. She felt sore even when she moved her finger.

Bright also did not expect that although it was not Rose's first night, she was still so shy and made him crazy and excited.

He didn't know why he didn't mind at all that Rose wasn't a virgin and even willingly sank for her.

He felt that he was a little familiar with her, as if it was not the first time they had sex. But at this time, he could not think too much.

Afterwards, it was Bright who carried her to the shower, and then they lay on the bed.

Bright took her in his arms and kissed her on the forehead, "Sleep if you're tired."

"I don't want to sleep yet." Rose buried her head in his neck.

She was tired, but her mind was clear. She was even a little excited.

"You are so energetic. Why don't we do it again?" Bright suggested.

Rose, however, shrank back, "Mr. Bright, please let me go."

Bright grabbed her shoulder with his big palms and lowered his head. But when he got close, he just kissed her on the eyes and backed away.

Rose also saw the deep smile in his eyes.

"You just did it on purpose! Bad guy!" Rose felt she was teased by him and reached out to thump his solid chest with her fists.

Bright held her more tightly, "It's natural for Mr. Bright to be a bad guy to Mrs. Lee. I will only do bad things to you forever."

There was a saying that the happiest thing in this world was that there was someone who only did something to you forever.

It meant that this man loved you very much and was not interested in other women.

"Besides, I've been lonely for so long. It's time for me to be warm after meeting you."

Although Bright was popular with women, he kept his integrity and never dallied with women with his inherent advantages.

So, when Rose took the initiative, she was making herself suffering. He had not released his desire over the years and had more strength to sleep with her.

Although she knew that Mr. Bright had a glib tongue, and she should not believe in men's sweet words, Rose was still moved by his words.

Even if she had been betrayed and hurt by Sky, she was still willing to trust Bright and live with him in life.

"You will feel warm all the time from now on." Rose was not shy anymore.

Bright smiled in pleasure, "So, my happiness will be related to Mrs. Lee. Let's get along well in the future."

"Sure." Rose also wrapped her arms around his lean waist.

Rose found a comfortable position in his arms and closed her eyes lightly. She smelled the fresh smell of sea salt and the masculine aura, which also seemed to make her sleep more at ease.


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