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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 196

Rose put her other hand on the back of May's hand and patted it lightly, pacifying her, "May, some things have to be said at the right time. Whatever I know, it is not the right time now."

"That means you know the inside story." May's eyes lit and she said hopefully.

"I don't know." Rose denied it.

May was Sky's mother. If May talked to Sky about what happened today, Rose was only afraid that Sky would suspect her of having bad intentions.

And she hadn't got better and more direct evidence to prove it for the time being.

Rose had to find ironclad evidence to make Sophie speechless and unable to turn over. Otherwise, if Sophie made a comeback, she would attack in retaliation.

May's eyes, which had a glimmer of joy, became gloomy.

Rose didn't want to say anything bad about Sophie. After all, there weren't many people who believed her now.

She didn't want to get herself into something. In particular, Sky was especially protective of Sophie. What's more, Sophie was now pregnant with Sky's child and became important for him.

This was not the best time to bring Sophie down.

Rose was now like a hunter who was waiting for the opportunity to give a fatal blow when the prey was most relaxed and vulnerable.

At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open from the outside. It was Sky, Alaya and Jasmin who came in together.

They were a little surprised to see May holding Rose's hand.

Rose drew back her hand, "Mrs. Tanner, goodbye."

Rose took Doris and was about to leave. May said to Sky who froze in place, "Sky, see Rose off."

Sky didn't move, thinking that he should avoid suspicion because of the status between them. He was a little reluctant to see Rose off.

Alaya and Sky were closest to each other and could see what her brother was thinking. So, she smiled and put the flowers in his arms, "Mom, let me do it. I just have something to talk to Rose."

With that, Alaya walked out of the ward with Rose and sent her to the elevator.

"Rose, thanks for saving my mom. I don't care what you did to Sky before. But I just hope you don't come near my mom again. After all, Sophie and Sky are already married and you're also married. So, let's just go our own ways." Alaya thought for a while and had to say what she was thinking.

"Alaya, you're right. I know what to do." Rose understood as soon as she heard it, "I won't bother May in the future."

"Thank you." Alaya saw the elevator coming and made a gesture, "Take care."

Rose nodded and took Doris to the elevator to leave.

They reached the underground parking lot. As they walked to the car, Doris pulled Rose's hand, "Mommy, don't be sad."

"Why should I be sad?" Rose looked at her little baby.


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