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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 209

After the parents-child party, Rose and Bright devoted themselves to their own jobs again.

The bid date of Beach Hotel invested by the Linder family and the Tanner family was approaching.

However, Rose not only needed to implement her own job, but also needed to pay attention to Sophie who colluded with Timothy to murder her. Of course, she would not let them off.

Sky was the one who Sophie cared most. The best way to take revenge on her was to let Sky see her shabby side and make her painful as Rose used to be.

No matter how busy she was, she would keep driving her daughter to and from school by herself, and without special circumstances, Bright would go with her.

As for household duties, they had employed an hourly employee to help them cook and do cleaning, which also reduced their burdens.

After dinner, they went for a walk with Doris.

Not until they put the kid to sleep, did they take a bath and lie on the bed comfortably.

Lit up by a lamp dimly glowing yellow, Bright held Rose in his arms and asked, "A penny for your thoughts."

"Nothing." Rose shook her head, not tending to let him know her plan.

"About Timothy and Sophie?" Bright had known her very well.

Rose froze when hearing that. She was so transparent in front of him.

"Hey! How could you know everything?" Rose was dissatisfied and turned her face towards Bright, "Can you leave me some places for privacy?"

"Your body has already been mine. What privacy do you need?" Bright snickered, with his eyes shining like a star in the dark.

"Damn!" Rose was ready to turn her back, "I am so tired. Good night."

However, Bright stopped her from turning and said, "As you said before, Sophie and Timothy would meet again. And if we tail after her during this time, we must gather evidence of her infidelity. Right?"

"It seems to be the best way by now." Rose had to admit.

"Let me do it! You just focus on your work." Bright held her tighter.

"You?" Rose's eyebrows twitched.

"What? Do not trust me? Or afraid that I have other purposes?" Bright looked at her face seriously.

"No. Aren't you busy either?" said Rose.

"No matter how busy I am, your business is just my business." Bright changed to lie on the bed and said, "I have had someone follow Sophie these days. Once she has any further action, I will be able to show you the evidence. As for how you are going to deal with it, it depends on you."

"I know you care about me, but this is my own feud with Sophie. I want to solve it by myself without your help." Rose understood he did this out of the goodness of his heart, but she did not want to accept it.

"I don't want myself to be over-dependent on you because your protection will prevent me from being stronger. I used to be naïve so that Sophie was able to hurt me. During these five years, I have experienced so much that I have got growing up and stronger than ever…"


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