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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 89

His eyes were so eager, eager for his father's answer, eager for maternal love.

"Wyatt, that is not your mother." Matthew stood still and denied.

"But she looks just like mother." Wyatt looked at the woman wearing delicate makeup and asked again.

"She is not mother." There was a note of displeasure in Matthew's voice. "Mom's gone home. She's gone to Grandma's. How could she be here??"

Wyatt bit his lip and did not accept his father's answer.

"Come on." Matthew pulled his son away.

But Wyatt looked back at the woman in black, with hope and deep expectation in his eyes.

And that woman happened to look over, with a gorgeous smile on her face, and when she saw Wyatt, she smiled more charmingly.

The young man put his arm around her waist and smirked, trying to kiss her.

She coquettishly pushed that man away, then gently said, "You are really bad."

"Women love bad men, don't they? Give me a kiss." The young man put his arm around her tiny waist and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Would the woman be Wyatt's mother, Matthew's ex-wife?

Rose didn't believe it at all.

It was not a problem to marry a good lady with Matthew's conditions.

That woman just looked like a social butterfly who didn't deserve Matthew.

However, Wyatt's eyes and look told that he didn't mistake his mother. A child would not mistake his own mother.

Matthew was colder than he had been. He was calm, horribly calm.

Rose led Doris without speaking and followed Matthew to a Land Rover.

The children got in first, and then she followed. Matthew drove out of the parking lot without saying a word.

The woman in the mirror dwindled into a black dot bit by bit and then disappeared.

Matthew lowered the window a little to let some air in, which eased the suffocating atmosphere in the car.

After a moment, Matthew remembered something, "Miss Linder, where do you live? I'll take you home."

"Mr. Sue, just drop us off in the front corner." Rose could tell that Matthew was in a bad mood.

What he needed now was calmness and she didn't want to disturb him much.

"Okay." Matthew didn't say much.

A few meters ahead, Matthew pulled over and Rose took Doris out.

"Thank you, Mr. Sue. Goodbye." said Rose, "Send me a message when you are home."

Matthew just nodded. His face was hidden in the shadow, and his eyes were gloomy.

Rose and Doris waved to them. Wyatt looked at Doris and choked back his tears.

"See you tomorrow, Doris."

Wyatt leaned over the window.

"Yes." Doris nodded heavily.

Matthew started the car until it merged into the traffic and disappeared.


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