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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 93

Sophie looked sick and was very upset. She further accused Rose.

"Disgust you? Sister, what you did was more disgusting than what I did." Although Rose smiled, her eyes were cold. "Do you still remember that Sky and I were engaged back then? He was my fiancé, yet you didn't mind and you liked him so much that you even married him. We can like the same person, but we can't drive the same car?"

"So in the end, are you the disgusting one or am I the disgusting one?"

Rose countered so beautifully that Rose looked as if she had swallowed a fly. But there was nothing she could do about it, unable to refute a single word.

Sophie could only stare at Rose while anger made her chest heave violently.

"You were the one who did disgusting things. You even had a brat behind Sky's back. What right do you have to have Sky for yourself?" Sophie stood facts on their heads and framed Rose. "It is Sky who saw your true nature and knew that I am the one who truly loves him, so he chose me."

"Sophie, it's been five years. Is it fun deceiving yourself and others? Don't you know whether Sky truly loves you or that you deceived his feelings? Do you need me to clarify for you?"

There was no way Rose could explain herself in that difficult situation back then.

But now that five years passed, and everyone has calmed down, especially Sky. It wasn't that she didn't have the opportunity to explain everything clearly – it depended on whether Sky would believe her.

Sophie's body began to tremble as she panicked. "Of course, Sky loves me. As a woman who betrayed him, you are not worthy of his love!"

"Really?" Rose smiled lightly. "Why don't you ask him now?"

Sophie frowned in confusion. Rose saw her panic and said again, "He is there. Turn around and look."

Sophie turned her head abruptly, and as expected, Sky was standing there. He probably came to pick her up.

Before getting on the plane today, she called him and to tell him she was coming back today and that she would be going to the Linders' before going home. She also told him not to pick her up.

Because she didn't want Sky and Rose to come in contact with each other or meet at all.

Unexpectedly, Sky came to pick her up and didn't notify her. It seemed that he wanted to surprise her.

They hadn't been together for a week. But to her, it felt like a century, which made her suffer physically and mentally.

Today, she finally saw the person she wanted to see, yet it was under such circumstances.

She didn't know how long Sky had been standing there and what he heard.

"Sky... Sky, why are you here?" Sophie forced a smile while she was extremely worried inside.

"Not long." There was no special expression on Sky's gentle face.

Sophie felt a little better inside. "Sky, let's go home."

Sophie could only leave so that Sky would stay away from Rose, the farther the better.

"You just came back. How about you take a break or stay here tonight?" Sky suggested.


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