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Crash-landed On An Island With Nine Beauties novel Chapter 91

"Let's come to a decision yet."

Ayisha turned to the two girls. They were all standing at the foot of the Boabab tree on which the watchtower was set.

"Are you sure that he isn't going to run away?"

Claire took a glance at the Cannibal who was standing not far away from them.

"He has no choice. After what we did, he would feel a sense of a loyalty to us."

Ayisha explained. She seemed really sure of her argument. Her face unbothered and eyes peaceful.

"Even if what we did wasn't enough, I'm sure that the attributions would tie him to us for life, till we are done using him."

Ayisha had added.

"How can you be so sure though?"

Laurette couldn't seem to be able to relate with from where Ayisha had lifted her sudden confidence aimed at the Cannibal whom they used to dread together.

"That's not what matters at the moment. Let's get this over with. Plus you should learn to study and observe things more than running your mouth."

The eyes of the two girl widened at Ayisha's conclusion.

"This bitch!!!"

Claire was as impatient as ever. Her eyes had suddenly grew into embers which would sting, scorch and burn Ayisha's beautiful face.

"I'll go with the Cannibal."

Ayisha announced, pretending as though she hadn't just trolled the two.

"Follow him to where?"

"What are you up to?"

"Would you just trust and watch?"

Ayisha seemed frustrated by the amount of questions they had for her.

"How could we?"

"Do you really have to leave us out? Can't you share things with us equally? Why are we a group if you can't do that?"

Laurette seemed to had bitten off Claire's cake. She seemed worked up. Ayisha looked from her to Claire who was another version of the angered.

"You don't have to trust me. Don't force yourself to."

Ayisha started.


The two chorused. Claire's eyes squinting, Laurette frowning.

"But I can promise you only one thing. We are together in this. And as long as our interest is bound by the urge to find Damien, I would never leave you out or betray you. You should know that now and let me breath a free air."

Claire took two steps closer to Ayisha who had just taken a pause.

"So you mean sooner or later you would betray us?"

"No dummy, she means that she might betray us if we were in a group because of something different."

Laurette had snapped at Claire. Claire who had wanted to lash out at Laurette, couldn't because of the weight of her words. She glared at Ayisha.

"This sly bitch!!!"

She cussed. Ayisha chuckled wryly.

"We are talking too much. Let's get this over with."

She walked away from them then beckoned at the Cannibal who hurried to her.

When the Cannibal got to them, Ayisha turned to the tree and pointed at its trunk, then traced it up to the zenith.

The cannibal made a weird noise in its throat.

"What is he saying?"

Claire asked, standing aloof. She was fragile but act tough in order not be trampled upon by the powerful!

"How am I supposed to know?"

Ayisha rolled her eyes, paying attention to only the Cannibal as she repeated the instructions. Claire sneered.

The Cannibal after the fourth time of her pointing and tracing, ran closer to the foot of the Boabab tree and leapt on the trunk. In the blink of an eye he was already standing at the top of the tree.

"Woah... how interesting."

"Oh my God, that was so smooth. I wish I could climb that way."

Claire shot a cornered look tamed by mockery at Laurette.


Laurette caught her.

"Like she can climb... I wish I could climb that way... that way my foot."

There was contempt in Laurette's face when Claire stopped talking. But they could hardly settle their differences.

"Hey, come down. Come down, you fool!!!"

Ayisha called the Cannibal. Words wouldn't do, so she signified with her hand. The Cannibal did.

"They really aren't as dumb as I thought they are. Even if we can't understand their language, at least we can communicate with sign languages."

Ayisha sighed in relief. She refused to use words going forward, instead she confided in the sign languages.

She was in eye contact with the Cannibal when she went slowly down, doing a squat. The Cannibal did what she had just done. Then she stood up. The Cannibal did too.

"No, no... you remain that way. I want to climb on you. Squat."

She was tossing her head as though she was some frog. There were dark lines in the corners of her eyes. You could say those lines had been traced by frustration.

While she worked so tirelessly, the other two girls just stood there watching as though it was some drama.

Soon enough, she was able to climb on the back of the Cannibal.

"Claire, tell him to stand up. Act it."

Ayisha called.

"I don't know if I can't do it."

Claire confessed.

"Just try, you bitch!!! This smell is killing me."

Ayisha was going to gag because of the stench of the Cannibal's body.

"Don't you dare cuss at me, you crazy wench! You think I like you? Or do you think I'm doing this because of ---"

"Get the fuck out of my sight."


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