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Daddy, don't flirt novel Chapter 118

Jamie squints her eyes doubtfully. What the hell is all that about? Which eye does she look that she is angry?

Saying it, Jozo seizes her arm, and then the whole person with the wheelchair falls to the side. Jamie is frightened, looking at Jozo. Jozo is painfully frowned, with cold sweat trickling down her face.

Soon, Jamie knows why Jozo do it.

A sound of tight footsteps comes this way. Jamie looks up, Dan William has been there. She just looks he bents down and hugs Jozo with the soft action. It is so harsh in Jamie's eyes.

Dan William hugs Jozo. When passing her, he stops and looks Jamie. She can't understand his emotions through his eyes.

Jamie's heart sinks down at once, muttering in frustration," It’s not me, she falls down herself."

She explains, but it is hard to believe that. In Dan’s point of view, it is Jamie who pushes Jozo and caused jozo to fall.

"Dan, I'm in such a great pain, can you take me to the hospital?" Jozo seizes Dan's clothes. Her face is pale, looking very weak.

Without hesitation, Dan William holds Jozo and quickly leaves.

Jamie just feels like she is poured down a large basin of ice water, which makes her feel cold.

His attitude is obvious. He doesn't believe her.

Jamie keeps her head down and bits her lip. The black hair looks incredibly soft, reflecting a dazzling cold light in the sunlight.

Until dusk, Dan William doesn't go back home.

Jamie doesn't have mood and appetite to eat dinner. She stays in Ian Moore's bedroom and plays with computers.

“Mom...you have been playing computer for two hours, please let me play.” Ian Moore sees Jamie staying in his room after dinner for a long time and taking over his computer.

What even scared is that she would comment in every message, "Wish lovers in the world say goodbye."

Cruel, it's too cruel.

Ian Moore swallows his saliva, and dares not to interrupt her when she looks so horrible, but she keeps playing crazily. Ian Moore is worried about whether his keyboard will run out like this.

Jamie finally stops the right hand of pressing the mouse. Because her fingers are a little stiff for playing such a long time, so she stretches them uncomfortably.

"Ian Moore, you are not kind because you want to get the computer from your mommy." With saying that, Jamie stands up and walks towards Ian Moore's soft children bed. And then she lies down.

Ian Moore is speechless and quickly jumps to the chair. He takes a silent look at Jamie who has already pulled the quilt, and asks doubtfully, "Is Mommy going to sleep with the baby tonight?"

"Emm, mummy is here tonight.” Jamie looks at the ceiling, covered her face with the quilt, and there is a faint smell of milk around her.

Mommy is strange tonight. Ian Moore blinks his eyes. Does she quarrel with daddy?

Ian Moore doesn't care about his game either. He turns off the computer and goes to the bedside. He opens one side of the quilt and takes off his shoes and sleeps in.

"Mummy, are you unhappy?" Ian Moore turns to look at Jamie. What a cute baby. He intends to change Jamie's mood.

Jamie continues to snort, then turns and pinches Ian Moore's soft face. "It's not so good."

"It's good to look at the baby." Ian Moore points to his face.


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