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Daddy, don't flirt novel Chapter 147

Jamie rolls her eyes up. Does Ameliai say that she has no emotion? She doesn't understand when will Amelia stop to go against her?

But she knows that if Amelia and Jozo join together, it is her who will suffer a lot.

"Who? Who makes Amelia so unhappy?" Jozo asks, pretending that she asks because she doesn’t know.

"Who else can be? It is Miss Moore. She always wanders in front of me and makes me annoyed." Amelia groans, completely ignoring Dan's suddenly angry expression. She still continues her words.

"Oh." Jozo, such a tactful girl, always stares at Dan. How can't she see Dan's displeased expression? She stops immediately and laughed for a few times.

"Dan, Amelia, the lunch is ready. Please go to the restaurant to enjoy." Alma comes over and says respectfully.

Jozo orders her to the kitchen to help as soon as she comes here. Obviously she doesn’t want Alma to hear her and Amelia's plans, worrying that she will complain it to others.

But Jozo really thinks much more. In general, Alma will ignore what she does.

Moreover, she follows Jozo around the clock and there is no chance to complain to Dan in front of her.

"Let's go and have lunch." Dan stands up first and says to Jamie who is still reading the magazine.

"Well." Jamie put the magazine down, and sees Amelia's expression suddenly changed. Then she changes her idea and walks over to hold Dan's hand. She answers sweetly, "Let’s go."

Her smile is as bright as the moment when all the flower in the garden are flourishing.

Dan's eyes shine and there is some ecstasy in his heart. Does this stupid girl finally awaken?

There is some exciting emotion in his heart. But his expressions are still calm and he nods gently.

Amelia is angry when she watches Jamie walking into the room by holding Dan's hand. She raises her foot to kick the table fiercely.

Jozo pushes her wheelchair forward and a pitiful feeling in her eyes. She looks at Amelia who is irritated but still struggles to keep calm, "Amelia, your brother's relationship with Jamie is really good."

Amelia feels disapproved when she hears it. Then she sneers and answers disdainfully, "It’s wrong. if it isn't for that she lives next door to my house, how can she have a good relationship with Dan?"

"No matter how good the relationship is, my brother won't marry her." Amelia says quietly in the last sentence.

"What are you talking about, Amelia?" Jozo doesn't hear her last sentence and feels a little puzzled.

"No, I don't say anything. Let's go. Let's go to have lunch." Amelia's eyes flick in a panic and then she quickly conceals it by herself, pushing Jozo to the restaurant.

Alma stands behind them and meditates.

As a member from the training camp, all of her physical qualities are excellent. Especially her hearing is many times better than others. Even some subtle sounds cannot be missed through her ears.

So for Amelia's last sentence just now, Alma can hear it very clearly.

And it’s hard not to hear clearly.


The readers' comments on the novel: Daddy, don't flirt