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Daddy, don't flirt novel Chapter 215

She turns around and wants to run from the bed to the other side. However, Dan stretches out his hand and pulls her into his arms.

"You are just mischievous. I will show you whether I am good in sex!"

After saying that, he places Jamie in the middle of the bed and presses on her tightly.

"Hmm ..." Jamie flinches suddenly. She has a hunch that she is over tonight.

Jamie is fainted by the pain and she wakes up again. Seeing Dan, who is still not exhausted, she is a little scared and is afraid that she will die here tonight.

But no matter how she begs for mercy, Dan uses the sentence to stop her, "Don't you want to see if I am good at sex? I'm satisfying your curiosity." It makes her want to die.

What does it mean by saying “you lift a stone and hit your own feet”? That is it.

She doesn’t know how many times they have sexes in the past seconds. Finally she is free. She doesn’t even want to lift her eyelids and falls asleep.

Dan bows his head and kisses gently on her forehead. There is infinite love in his black eyes. He simply cleans her body and his own body. Then he puts her in his arms and falls asleep soon.

Early in the morning, when Dan opens his eyes, Jamie is still sleeping happily with a little cuteness on her small face. She has a quiet and lovely sleeping face, and her small mouth is pouting as if she wants kiss.

Dan puts his hands behind his head to support the back of his head. He doesn’t move and looks at Jamie's sleeping face. His heart seems to be filled and feels moved.

A burst of cell phone ringing suddenly turns out and it sounds very weird.

Dan's eyes flickers slightly. He reaches out for the mobile phone on the table and makes his movements lightly. He walks to the French window to answer the phone.


It’s unknown that what is said on the phone, while Dan's complexion suddenly changes. His responds in a low voice and then says to hang up.

He walks into the bathroom to wash himself. After seeing that Jamie has not awaken and is still sleeping happily. He takes out the paper and pen from the drawer and writes a few words on it. Then he puts it beside her hand. And he kisses her forehead and takes the blazer to go out.

The room is quiet.

The clock on the wall has slowly climbed towards four o'clock in the afternoon. Jamie, who is sleeping on the bed, slowly wakes up.

Sunlight comes in from the window, and the golden shine falls on the smooth floor, which shines the rooms.

Jamie opens her eyelids slowly with bloodshot in her shining eyes. Her pink lips are slightly swollen, which looks particularly attractive.

When she moves her body slightly, she feels as if she has been disassembled and reorganized. Every pore is feeling soreness and fatigue. And it is terrible for her to move a finger.

"What's going on?" Jamie feels that her head is a little dizzy. There is no pain or discomfort. It is probably because of her different physique. No matter what alcohol she drinks, she will not have a hangover. But the next day she will be dizzy.

What happens?

Her brain works quickly to think about desperately who he is last night.


It seems that he is probably the man!

Jamie reaches out and knocks her head annoyingly. Her body falls backwards and she tightly wraps herself around with the quilt. She only exposes her small head. She is a little annoyed, a little sweet and she has complicated feelings.

Suddenly, her eyes fall on the sticky note, "I have something to solve and I need to leave. Go back to the manor and wait for me!"


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