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Dear Ex-Wife You Are MINE (Victoria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 28



I was shocked and stood at one side with my hands covering my mouth while my ex-husband was beating Reynolds without any calculation!

For a moment, I could not process the situation that just happened all of a sudden. But, a few seconds later, I got my voice and moved back as I proceeded to stop Alessandro.

He seemed so out of control that nothing crossed his mind about what could happen later.

“Alessandro, stop!” I shouted lowly. But he was not in the zone to listen to how he beat him; it was like letting all his frustration out on this poor man.

Poor? No, my bad. On this pervert!

I touched Alessandro’s shoulder as he was on one knee, hovering on top of almost the half-dead Reynolds.

“Alessandro, please stop!” And that’s when he finally regained control and stopped, turning over his shoulder directly into my eyes.

The deep ocean-like eyes were now dark like a storm describing his anger and pain...

Frankly, I didn’t see this look for a long time, though. The first time was three years ago when he got the news that I was not pregnant and lied, which was a lie in itself.

I never lied to him, but my destiny played a big time in me.

I shook my head, causing him to stand up, and suddenly that darkness in them was gone, but the worry waved there.

He carefully watched me from head to toe before asking, “Are you alright?”

I gulped before nodding my head. I was taken aback by the anxiety that arose within me, which was a new experience. This had never occurred before, not even during the three years when I was married to him.

The question was on my tongue, but I pushed it away, concentrating on the man on the floor who was now standing up with his assistant’s support.

Reynolds clenched his teeth, glaring at me, but did not dare to step forward, fearing Alessandro.

“I will never help you with the jewelry show, you bitch!” He screamed with the little bit of energy he had in him with his broken tone.

“Get lost! You dare to show up before her, and I will kill you this time.” Alessandro barked, covering me with his body and flinching him and his assistant back on their feet.

Reynolds finally left with his assistant. Even if Alessandro didn’t come and beat him up, I would have never agreed to work with that bastard after what he did here today.

With Reynolds leaving, everything suddenly cooled down. My eyes were wracked on the floor of my office. Once a decorated place had turned into a mess, my gaze turned to see my ex-husband and his assistant.

Now, when everything is settled, I realize something and frown.

“Why are you here in the first place?”

“To save you!” He muttered as if he had that heroic duty to do.

“Alessandro...” I tried to retort when he suddenly said, “just ignore that bloody bastard; I will help you with the jewelry show.”

“Huh?” I was stunned hearing his words. What did he just say? He will help me?! I blinked; it took me some time to process everything that had happened.

My ex-husband, who just showed up in my company out of nowhere, beat a man who was trying to harass me; now he is saying he will also help me with the jewelry show I am directing for the first time.

Is heaven really giving me a sweet chance with the cruel reality?

“And why would you do that, Alessandro?” I asked, folding my hands over my chest.

His eyes were on mine, then slowly dropped down on my chest, which was a little pushed up because of my hands.

The intense manner in which he was observing me caused a shiver to run through me, and suddenly my breathing became tense.


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