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Dear Ex-Wife You Are MINE (Victoria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 35


I walked inside the company with curious eyes on me, and some gazes were particularly filled with disgust.

This is the after-effect of the drama that happened at the auction. It went viral because of some enthusiastic people. Surely, tomorrow it will cover headlines.

This is how media works. One juicy piece of news is enough for them to add more drama to it and earn money.

I ignored the gazes on me and slowly walked into my office. Jayden dropped me here. Though he insisted on not coming to work today, I came back.

Staying at home would only increase my anxiety thinking about the drama. Especially Alessandro’s unannounced support toward Camilla. So, I decided to do some work.

I opened my new design book. Currently, I am trying to figure out the inspiration for a necklace. I want something gorgeous yet simple at the same time. Something would look elegant on everyone and every tone.

While thinking of my new design, my phone beeped with a text. Thinking it might be Daniel, I opened it only to frown.

Unexpectedly, it’s a text from Alessandro. I don’t understand why he was after me when we were divorced! He is the center of all the drama happening for a few days.

I initially wanted to ignore it but couldn’t suppress my curiosity and read it.

‘Do you have some time to spare? I want to meet with you.’ - Alessandro

Meet? With him? Yeah, of course. A mad dog does not bite me to do that.

With time, this man started appearing shameless before me. I don’t know why I didn’t notice his ridiculous behaviors before.

Is that how love blind people? Well, maybe.

I turned the phone off and kept it aside again. Even though I read his text clearly, I’m not gonna reply. Meeting him would again cause drama and anxiety, which is bad for my health.

However, my fate wasn’t much on my side today as I received another text from him shortly after the first one.

‘Victoria, if you don’t reply to this text, I will find you in your office. I will wait there till you don’t show up.’

Is he threatening me? Fucking asshole! How dare he!?

I felt devastated. Is this man crazy? Hasn't he already been insulted enough today that he is now requesting more? What is it that he desires from me?

The pink diamond ring he couldn’t afford for his girlfriend in the auction? Even if he does want that, I don’t have it.

Immediately, I wanted to deny him, but he was stubborn and might end up in the office again.

Reluctantly, I pressed the words on the keyboard.

“Location and time.”

Immediately after my text, his text popped up with the Location and time.

He was so desperate that he wanted to meet right now. What an irony!

However, I went to the cafe he invited me to without delay. Of course, Alessandro Devonte has a posh taste, and according to his choice, he selected the best cafe in NYC.

Finding his huge, handsome figure wasn't a hassle when I walked inside.

With the same dark suit on, he was sitting at the table, and as usual, his handsome figure garnered people's attention. Men and women, all of them.

Most men are jealous of his lifestyle and achievements, and women are drooling, doesn’t matter married or unmarried.

I used to be one of them even a month ago, but not anymore. I don’t want a handsome or rich guy for myself, but a man who knows how to respect and value his partner.

As soon as I walked toward his table, his attention fell on me, and he stood up, giving me his most charming smile.


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