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Dear Soldier, Put Your Gun Down novel Chapter 82

She was at the President’s Office again. Myriads of thoughts were welling up in her mind. He wasn’t the person that she respected and admired anymore. He was a murderer who abandoned his wife and his children. He was a person who did everything he would to reach his goal. Today, she was here to take revenge on behalf of her mother!

She fixed her dress and was about to walk in, but she was halted by the guards at the door, “Mrs. Snider, I’m sorry but you’re not allowed in the President’s Office without permission.”

“Tell the president that I have something to discuss with him. I believe that he would want to see me.”

The guard hesitated but was afraid of her since she was the general’s wife. The guard walked towards the booth and made a call. Soon, a bodyguard in sunglasses, suit and leather shoes walked over, “The president invites you to come in, but first, we need to proceed with the usual security check.”

Winona handed his bag to him. She put up her arms and let him do the security check. Nobody else except Matt knew where she hid the L'amore.

Matt once asked her jokingly if she knew where to hide her gun.

She gave him many different answers, but he smiled and shook his head every time. At last, he smiled lovingly and asked if she had ever watched a James Bond Movie. “The women in the movie always hid their weapons here…” he said as he slid his finger closer to the inner part of her thigh…

The bodyguard brought her to the president’s private meeting room after confirming that there was no weapon on her, “The president is currently busy, please wait for a while, Mrs. Snider.”

After a while, Winona heard his footsteps. She touched her gun anxiously and tried to gather her courage. She stared at the door with reddened eyes.

The president opened the door. He looked as gentleman as per usual, but right now, she wanted to puke just seeing his face.

“Ms. Winston, are you here to see General Snider? Unfortunately, he took the day off today. He wasn’t even at the army meeting today.”

She tried to suppress her anger and disgust. She stayed calm as she said, “No, I have some private matters to discuss with you.”

He looked shocked, “What private matters?”

She glanced at the bodyguards behind him and asked, “Is it okay if we talked alone?”

He stared at her silently. He knew that she felt different today, hence he was being wary as well.

She smiled casually, “What’s wrong? Don’t be afraid, Mr. President, I’m just a meek woman, I can’t do anything to you.”

He then laughed heartily. “How could a woman who dared slap me in the face be called a meek woman?”

“If you didn’t indulge me, I wouldn’t have the guts to do something like that. To you, I am really just a meek and powerless woman.”

The president smiled and waved at his bodyguards. The bodyguards had a worried look on their faces, “Sir, this…”

“I’ll talk to Mrs. Snider alone. You guys keep a watch outside.”

“Yes sir.”

The president sat on the overstuffed chair and poured her some tea like the gentleman he was, “Ms. Winston, are you here to talk about the wedding? Matt said that he wanted me to be the host of the wedding.”

Winona glared at him wintrily and said, “Do you remember Gwendoline Simmons?”

Suddenly, he dropped the cup in his hand. It broke into pieces on the floor and made a loud noise. The bodyguards rushed into the room and aimed their guns at Winona.

The president waved his hands at them again. He said with an odd look on his face, “Everything’s okay, please leave.”

The bodyguards left and the president started to look at Winona carefully. He had a complicated look in his eyes, “Do you know her?”

Winona scoffed, “You haven’t answered my question yet.”

He took off his black-rimmed glasses and wiped his tears away, “Of course I do, she was my beloved. She was the only one that truly loved me. How could I forget her?”

He sure was putting up a good act, Winona thought to herself. She wouldn’t be tricked into thinking that he was a person infatuated in love since now she knew about what he did.


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