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Degrade from Nobility to a Humble Slave novel Chapter 115

Standing on the other side of the crumbling icy hill was an authoritative-looking man. He was taller and stockier than most of those present and had a squared, rugged face. Thick eyebrows gave him an intimidating air, while his eyes sparked with wisdom. His cheeks were cut high, clean and deep, giving him a chiseled aspect. Adding to this daunting visage was the heavy armor he wore, bearing lifelike flying dragons carved on the ends in the front.

The imposing man was Floyd Xun, one of the two vice generals, and was known as Flying Dragon General, the anchor of stability within the Dragon Fort.

After the last of the ice crystals shattered, Floyd Xun continued pointing his index finger.

Impressively, Floyd only needed to gesture using one finger to crush the icy hills and the entire ice valley.

Watching his display of talent, Zen couldn't help but be stupefied. He thought, 'Wow! His talent is amazing!'

"Randall, you repay my kindness with this? Even after being granted three promotions, you go and do something like this! You're a disappointment to me!" In Floyd's eyes disappointment flashed.

"Gen... General… I.. I didn't mean to. It's just that the Zhuge Clan..." related Randall, stumbling over his words. Floyd frightened Randall out of his wits. At that moment, it dawned on him, that the chase Zen had led him on, was a setup from the start!

"The Zhuge Clan? It doesn't matter how powerful the Zhuge Clan is! The imperial army is not for sale! As an officer in the imperial army, you have a responsibility! Yet, you dared to ignore the military disciplinary protocols willfully. You really failed me!" Shaking his head slowly, and then looking at Randall, Floyd barked, "Tell me, do you have any last words?"

The imperial army was under the direct command of the Burning Sky Palace. Many soldiers from within the top seven noble clans also enlisted in the imperial army; however, Floyd held a high rank, and he wouldn't kowtow to the pressure that the Zhuge clan exerted.


Randall's response ended before he finished it. As it dawned on him what Floyd had just said, his face turned ashen, and he gulped hard. If he had understood Floyd, there wouldn't be a trial or prison. Floyd was proposing to execute him on the spot! Randall turned to run!

While he chased Zen, Randall sprinted very quickly, and now, he ran faster!

However, Floyd caught up to him, with just one step.

In a single step Floyd was able to cover a distance of nearly a quarter mile, and in the blink of an eye, he was right behind Randall. He reached out and with his finger, Floyd poked Randall's back.


Although Zen didn't see any wounds on Randall's body, he did see blood spurting from his mouth. Randall fell to the ground gurgling as he choked on his blood. Within seconds, his suffering was over, and he was dead.

'So… So very strong!'

thought Zen. This man, Floyd, was a real martial arts master!

Watching Floyd's attack techniques, Zen felt as though his blood was boiling.


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