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Desperate Lovers novel Chapter 183

Wasn't it beautiful?

The car in front stopped again, so Roland followed and stepped on the brake, "I heard Mr. James address you as his girlfriend?"

"It doesn't count either."

Angela smiled to herself, "Just a lover."

Roland stopped for a moment and said,

“Sorry for that."

“Never mind.”

Angela lowered her eyes and said.

They didn't know each other very well, so they didn't talk about sensitive topics and shifted to light topics instead.

The road was very congested, and in many places, cars were not as fast as pedestrians.

Angela got out of the car, went to the small supermarket to buy some fruits. When she returned, the car was still crawling slowly in the traffic.

Auntie Susan made seven or eight calls to remind them, but it was useless. Fifty minutes later, Angela and Roland arrived at the Roland family's community.

Roland was well-liked. In this fast-paced urban life, even the neighbor next door might not know each other, and people kept greeting him from the moment he entered the neighborhood.

"Well, are you bringing your girlfriend back?"

"Your girlfriend is so pretty, but she's just too skinny... Roland, your Auntie Susan is such a good cook, you should ask her to make more delicious food for your girlfriend!”


"Your mother and your elder aunt were complaining to me yesterday that they didn't know when they were going to have grandchildren, and I see that's coming soon!

Hey, I don’t know when my son will bring a girlfriend home. I'm so worried!"

Roland smiled and responded one by one, explaining to the crowd that they had misunderstood.

Angela stood right beside him, smiling politely, and occasionally greeted them.


The elevator arrived, and the two said goodbye to the crowd and exited.

"You're very popular."

Angela followed him with a hint of envy hidden in her eyes.

Before the car accident, she was the daughter in a rich family, with only a few “close friends” like Jessica. And usually compare with Jessica, no elders liked her.

After the car accident, she only had her brother and sister-in-law.

"Hey, I am handsome and good-tempered, it's hard for me not to be popular!"

Roland spread his hands and smiled, and when he saw the flicker of envy and despondency under her eyes, he added a few words, "It's mainly because of Auntie Susan."

"Auntie Susan likes to make friends. She usually cooks something, and share with neigbour in the community. She often dances with others, so she knows many people.

And they know I'm her nephew and say hello whenever we meet."

As soon as the voice fell, the door of Roland's house opened, and Auntie Susan's round head came out from behind the door, "Brat, why don't you knock the door?"

"We're so close, I don't think we need to knock, telepathy will do."

Roland laughed and said.

Auntie Susan jumped out from behind the door and slapped him on the head, "There's never a time when you can meekly admit your mistakes, you always talk back!"

"You have never failed to beat me, Auntie Susan."

Roland covered his head and sighed, "I thought with Miss Angela around, you would take my personal image into consideration."

Auntie Susan rolled her eyes at him and pushed him aside, then smiled and took Angela's hand and said,

"It's so late now, are you hungry?

Come in, I make all the dishes you like! "

"It's okay, I am not very hungry. But I miss everything you made, Auntie Susan."

Angela was dragged into the house by Auntie Susan.

Their house had three bedrooms and two bathrooms, spacious and decorated in a American style.

Outside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, dozens of pots of greenery were sorted neatly on the balcony, with a few daisies in full bloom. In the middle of the green plants were a set of tables and chairs with teapots and teacups.

"Auntie, it's all the food Miss Angela likes, nothing I like?"

Roland followed them in the door and closed it behind him.


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