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Don't Try to Escape, My Wife! novel Chapter 256

Samuel didn't say anything until he heard it.


“I will talk to Mr. Bush and Miss Bush about this. The main thing is that Nicole is still alive, but her identity has never been decided. The identities of Mr. Bush and Miss Bush have been invalid, and Allen has removed Nicole's identity from the U.S. Nicole is now unregistered. No matter where she is, we have to figure out Nicole's identity first. I think Mr. Bush and Miss Bush will understand it,”


Mrs. Don was more or less worried when she heard this.


“Is there any news of Nicole now?"


“No, but I'm sure she'll get in touch with us.”


Samuel's words silenced everyone.


Audrey whispered, "I'm already working on the identity issue. I've explained everything to my superior and I want to give my daughter a formal identity, but the problem is which name should I use, Nicole Bush or Nicole Don?"


Mrs. Don was a little embarrassed by this question.


She wanted Nicole to be entitled with the surname Don, but now Nicole was nowhere to be found. Nicole didn't know who she really was, and they didn't know what would Mr. Bush and Miss Bush think about it. They didn’t know what they should do now.


"How about this: I'll go talk to Mr. Bush and Miss Bush about this and we'll get back to that. It would take some time for the political investigation, during which we will have a detailed discuss and try to find a perfect solution. Besides, I will speed up my efforts to find out Nicole. She should have the right to know her identity.’


Both sides nodded in agreement.


After this meeting, Mrs. Don insisted that Audrey go back to live with the Don family. Audrey couldn't refuse and went back with Mrs. Don.


Jason and Samuel walked behind them, saying with a wry smile, "I never thought the first woman I was attracted to in my life was my niece!”


“So, you are destined to be her uncle.’


Samuel was in a good mood.


He had removed a rival in love, which made him feel a bit relaxed.


Jason didn't respond to Samuel's teasing, just whispered, "I'm fine, but I'm not sure about Tim. His mother's been in such a bad mood lately, and he hasn't spared time to talk to you. If he finds out that Nicole has been missing and you came back alone, he might kill you.”


“Speaking of Tim, I don't understand why he is so crazy about Nicole. Isn't he a playboy?”


Samuel never thought of Tim as a rival, nor did he think of him as someone who would love Nicole for so long, but Samuel knew what Tim had done for Nicole for so long.


Jason whispered, “I heard that he and Nicole had an affair when they were kids. He said Nicole saved him when they were kids."




This surprised Samuel.


When they walked out of the Hilton Hotel, Jason asked in a low voice, "Won't you need me to accompany you to meet Mr. Bush and Miss Bush?"


“No, you're from the Don family. It wouldn't be very kind of you to go to them. If you have time, go and greet Mr. Morty and speed up the sensor. It's important to identify Nicole's identity.”


Samuel couldn't do so many things at the same time, so he had to bother Jason to help with him. What's more, the Don family boasted of higher prestige than the Green family.


Many people of the Don family had sacrificed their lives for their country, and only Jason and Nicole were left. Anyway, the superior would give Nicole an identity.

Samuel always believed that.


Jason nodded and they worked separately.


Samuel met Mr. Bush and Miss Bush in the Bush family.


After returning to the Seapolis City, Zama fled. Jason had hoped that his parents would stay in the Don family, but they still felt at home, so they came back.


When they missed Zoe, they would go to the Green family to see Zoe. Laurel also sent someone to bring Zoe over to join them. They would have much fun.


When they heard Samuel coming, Mr. Bush and Miss Bush went out to greet him.


Mrs. Bush didn’t see Nicole and asked, "Nicole not with him?"


Samuel felt sad when he saw Mrs. Bush so anxious. "Nicole has an accident."


These words almost made Mrs. Bush fail to stand on her feet.


“What's the matter? What on earth is going on? I felt uneasy when I let you go. What has happened?” Mrs. Bush choked with sadness.


Mr. Bush supported Mrs. Bush and signed, "Let Samuel in. Don't get too excited. Since Samuel has come, it means that Nicole is fine."


Samuel nodded and said, "Mom, let's go in”


Then Mrs. Bush followed Samuel into the house.


Samuel told Mr. Bush and Miss Bush what had happened in the United States, including Nicole's true identity and the situation Nicole was in right now.


Mr. Bush and Miss Bush were confused about Nicole and their paternity test, and now they knew the test result after Samuel told them.


"You mean that our baby was gone the moment it was born?"


Mrs. Bush couldn't accept it.


Samuel didn't know what to say.


Mrs. Bush cried bitterly, and Mr. Bush comforted her.

“How could the Don family take away my daughter we've raised for more than twenty years? We always thought she was our own daughter! When we were in America, Charlotte asked us to sign something related to Nicole's identity, so we signed it. If we knew it would trouble Nicole, we would never sign it! But what should we do now, Bush?"


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