Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Chapter 222: Is This How You Repay Me?

When Viola said those words, everyone was stunned.


Nicole looked unpleasant.


Samuel was her husband, but now, someone announced to pursue Samuel in front of Nicole. Nicole immediately had an 

embarrassed expression.


“Viola, I think there might be some misunderstandings:’


“Don't bother with that. Nicole, I didn’t expect you to be so lucky. However, I have taken a fancy to this man. I don't care what 

relationship you have. From now on, I will pursue him!”


Viola said with great determination.


Zoe burst into tears when she heard this.


“You are a bad woman. Daddy is mine! You are not allowed to take Daddy from me!”


She hugged Samuel tightly and disliked Viola, who appeared from nowhere.


Viola looked at Zoe coldly and said, “I'm not robbing you. Why are you nervous? Don't worry. I’m not interested in you”


Zoe cried with a howling sound.


“Daddy, I don't like this bad woman. Let her go!”


Zoe hugged Samuel and cried.


Samuel looked angry.


“Viola, please get out!”


“I haven't finished talking to Nicole yet. I.”


“F**k off!”


Samuel's voice was suddenly low. It was extremely depressing as if the wind howled a storm was to approach. Even Joseph 

couldn't help but shiver.


That was so terrifying!


The original daddy is back!


He subconsciously grabbed Nicole's hand.


Nicole was also a little scared.


Samuel rarely had such bad manners, but Viola hit his bottom line.


Zoe was their sweetheart. Not only did Viola treat Zoe badly, Viola even declared a war on Nicole, wanting to be a home 

wrecker. This was unbearable.


Viola was also shocked.


No one had dared to talk to her that way since she was young. However, she was only stunned for a short time before she 

said with excitement, “Wow, you are so masculine! I like it!”


Nicole was speechless with an awkward expression again.


“Viola, what do you want to say to me? You can come out to tell me”


She pulled Viola's hand and almost pulled her out.


Joseph was afraid that something would happen to Nicole, so he wanted to follow her, but was pushed back by Nicole.


Zoe cried sadly. Samuel could not go out for help even if he wanted to. He soon squatted to comfort Zoe.


After Viola was pulled out by Nicole, she shook off Nicole's hand.


“Don't touch me! You hypocritical woman!”


Nicole felt that her good intentions were repaid with a false countercharge.


If it weren't for her sympathy for Viola's disfigured face, Nicole wouldn't have told Viola Charlotte's address. Who would have thought that Viola could make such a mess? For a moment, Nicole felt that she was causing herself trouble.


“No matter what you think, the address and phone number I gave you are all true. As for why Charlotte didn't treat your face, that's Charlotte's business. I don't have much to talk to you. From now on, there's no need for us to contact anymore.”


After saying that, Nicole turned around and left.


Viola stopped her.


“What do you mean? You kept investigating me in the sanatorium and treated me like a suspect. Did you do all of these on purpose? Tell me, is it that you have noticed me a long time ago? Did you want me to make a fool of myself?”


Nicole was puzzled by Viola’s words.


“Viola, I don’t know what kind of person you are, but as I said earlier, I really want to help you. As for why Charlotte didn't help you, how would I know?"


“Come on, if what you said is true, call Charlotte now. If she says she knows you, then I won't cause you any trouble”


Nicole was a little depressed by Viola’s words, but after thinking about it, she didn’t have anything to fear about. Nicole took out her phone and called Charlotte.


But after she dialed the familiar number, she heard the notification that the line was busy. In the end, no one answered. In fact, the call was hung up as soon as Nicole called.


This was not that Charlotte used to do as far as Nicole concerned!


How could this be?


seems that you're just a big fat fake. Samuel doesn’t recognize your ugliness or is confused by you so that he chose to be with you. Don’t think that you can be confident as you gave birth to some children for him. Listen, the man I want is always easy to get. Let's wait


Viola was passing by, her shoulder hit against Nicole


but Viola sneered


at Viola's provocation, but she felt strange about the reaction






that, Nicole became a


friend to Viola. Nicole could never forget Charlotte's kindness and


was impossible for Charlotte not


happen to


suddenly thought


Allen. Although Nicole had a good relationship with Charlotte


to call Allen,


how to get along


would rather be an on-looker. She didn’t want to care about


right to do something to revenge on Allen. However, for

contradictory mood made her wonder if


called Charlotte a few


Her uneasiness grew.


the parents of the Bushes, Nicole couldn't resist the worry in her heart and dialed the




“I'm Allen?


heard Allen's


low. Besides, sense of


said in


remember to call me. Are you calling me on behalf of Samuel? Are


Nicole's voice, as if he


mood. Now that Allen had asked her, she didn’t know what


and was very angry at what Allen did to Zoe. However, Allen saved Nicole. Although these shouldn't have been mentioned together, what


deep breath and said, “Allen, there seems to be something wrong with Charlotte. I called her and no


about Charlotte? What for? After being imprisoned by me, are you still going to be imprisoned by Samuel? Do you not even have the permission to go out now? Or do you think that Charlotte is just a passer-by in your life? Probably, no one else can be as good as Samuel.


causing Nicole




Fallen Angel Club. Without me, what would happen to you? If it weren't for me five years ago, you and Samuel couldn't work


“I didn't!"


nervous by Allen's


plot against you


and asked for you. Wasn't this based on your permission? Don’t you know that Samuel is cracking down on the Brook's business? You know it, but what did you do? Nicole, you didn't


Allen was very excited.


I did that? You saved me five years ago. I thought you were my benefactor. I treat you as my friend. I think you are a perfect man. But why did you do that to Zoe? She's still a child! How could he endure the effect of morphine? If it weren't for


You know that she is suffering from congenital kidney failure. Even if she is treated, she won't be able to live long. Why should I let her die? That's because I knew that her existence would make you fall into Samuel’s embrace again! You have always known my feelings for you, but for the sake of Zoe, you still returned home, didn’t you? I just




felt that Allen was




could he say that he did it for Zoe's


I've already said that you deserve a better woman, so why do you have to..” Allen interrupted, “Can you take back the affection you already have? If you can, teach me. Teach me how to be as cruel and unscrupulous as


caused Nicole to be

222: Is This How You

said those words, everyone was


Nicole looked unpleasant.


pursue Samuel in front

embarrassed expression.


think there


be so lucky. However, I have taken a fancy to

have. From now


with great


into tears when she


are a bad woman. Daddy is mine! You are not allowed to


tightly and disliked Viola, who appeared from


at Zoe coldly and said, “I'm not robbing you. Why are you nervous? Don't worry. I’m not


cried with a howling


this bad woman.


hugged Samuel and


Samuel looked angry.


“Viola, please get out!”




“F**k off!”


depressing as if the wind howled a storm was to approach. Even Joseph

couldn't help but shiver.


That was so terrifying!


original daddy


grabbed Nicole's


was also a little


manners, but


sweetheart. Not only did Viola treat Zoe badly, Viola

wrecker. This was unbearable.


Viola was also shocked.


one had dared to talk to her that way since she was young. However, she was only stunned for a short time

you are so masculine! I like


speechless with


to me? You can come out


Viola's hand and almost


something would happen to Nicole, so he wanted


help even if


was pulled out by Nicole, she shook off


me! You hypocritical


felt that her good intentions were repaid with a


Viola's disfigured face, Nicole wouldn't have told Viola Charlotte's address. Who would have thought that Viola could make such a mess? For a


you are all true. As for why Charlotte didn't treat your face, that's Charlotte's business. I don't have

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