Doted On By The Mafia Boss


Ryan remained silent for a while before commenting nonchalantly, “What’s up with her?” Jack was rendered speechless by this young man’s carefree attitude; did he not understand what he was inquiring about. The man asked, “I am asking if we are taking her along with us or...”

The man took another long drag again, with his eyes attached to bright burning cigarette between his fingers and lips parting to give way to another wicked smoke ring he replied without giving it a thought, “Of course she is coming with me. There is nothing important enough to ask in it.” Jack was disappointed but not surprised, this man was unpredictable; somewhere deep down Jack knew that he was stubborn and was not going to let go of her but he mistakenly judged that he was sane and would think out things applying logic.

“But how is she gonna live with us? Did you think about it once?”

“I did...” He puffed out the stick in his arms in a nearby ashtray and shoved his hands inside his pocket, “I have a bigger house in Barcelona and I have already got everything arranged for her; that house is enough for us to live.” His voice was as bland as if he was not talking about taking a living human away with him forever but like he was introducing himself to an old man who had nothing to do with him.

This man was always like this, treasured both his words and expressions like some gold. It took a great deal of patience to be with this man as he was a miser when it came to showing a reaction. Jack said, “No... No! I am not talking about accommodation.” Jack was clearly losing his patience at this point, he was angry yet was polite as he knew his mouth will be ripped apart if he dared to raise his voice in front of this man. He continued, “I am talking about her. She is a living human, Ryan! We can’t just take her away...”

a club; we have literally kidnapped her. Do you think her friends and colleagues would unsee it; won’t they

the railings of the balcony and said with the same uninterested tone, “I kill

deserve this but saved his life. He tried to make Ryan understand and continued to pursue, “Ryan, please look through it. She is a

Ryan! You can’t just keep a girl with you and snatch her off her happiness. The

eyebrow; Jack explained, “She is your prisoner; you brought her here and is

here hoping that the man was smart enough to understand what he wanted to say. Yes, he admits that the girl was too rough on courting or whatever she was trying to do. They had just met and she wasn’t aware about his past. She was bound to get hurt but it was too soon and too shocking

showered with all the best things and

sweating and huffing dabbing a towel on his trickling sweat. The man possessed a youthful body which was carefully carved, a long black locket was seen hanging on his neck which was sparkling like some serpent. Since he was injured he didn’t strain his body with heavy chores and kept it light. Lazily

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