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EX-husband Groveling to Me novel Chapter 148

When Frank called, Suny was picking out a book inside the study.

She had a rare free day, it was raining outside, and she was not in a good mood, so Suny wanted to find a book to read, to adjust her emotions.

"Mr. Frank?"

"You saw the news, didn't you?"

Frank was as direct as ever, and Suny smiled: "Yes, I am sorry."

Frank on the other end of the phone snorted, "What are you talking about? I didn’t tell him that! He was simply expressing his appreciation for you, and now that things have gone too far, he called me just now, saying that he was a bit overwhelmed by the trouble he caused you, and asked me to treat you to a meal."

Suny knew that this was just a polite remark from Dexter, Frank took it seriously, she naturally wouldn't take it seriously: "I'm not a star, these things have no effect on me."

It was a momentary remark, most of them were the positive comments about her anyway, and it was quite a lot of fun to see that.

"How dare I disobey my father order? Which day are you free, I will invite you for a meal."

With the online incident making such a big deal, Suny really didn't dare to go out for dinner with Frank at this moment: "Mr. Frank, I appreciate your kindness, I don't even really want to go out for dinner these days."

"Don't you want to piss off your ex-husband?"

Hearing this from him, Suny laughed out loud straight away, "Mr. Frank, he and I are divorced peacefully."

She was the one who was resentful and unhappy, but in all seriousness, she and Austin did have a peaceful divorce.

There were no arguments or any disagreements, and apart from the few cold words he had said, they divorced at peace.

Furthermore, she was already twenty-seven this year, and such childish and clumsy tricks were not something Suny wanted to use.

The one who remembered was the loser, she wanted to be the winner, so she only wanted to allow herself to take Austin as an ordinary person she knew.

Beyond that, there was nothing else to think about.

Frank obviously didn't believe it, but didn't want to poke her in the heart, "Okay, I won't force you if you don't want to. But my father does like you very much, his 60th birthday is in next week. Why don’t you go to A City with me to make him happy?"

Even Frank had said so, Suny naturally couldn't refuse: "For Mr. Dexter's birthday, of course I will be there."

"Then it's a deal, I'll have my secretary get your ticket too."

"Mr. Frank, there's no need to bother you, I-"

"It is okay. I'm off to a meeting, talk to you later."

Looking at the call had ended, Suny was helpless.

To be honest, over the years, she learned to deal with people like Austin and also old foxes like Dexter, but Frank had always been out of the ordinary, and Suny was still at a loss with him sometimes.

Forget it, it was not a big deal.

Bu the gift for Dexter could not be casual.

Suny pursed her lips for a moment and gave Rosa a call.

It was a rainy spring day in J City, and the day Alicia returned, the sky was rarely clear.

After the meeting, Suny drove straight to the airport to pick her up. It took nearly two months for Alicia's new drama to finally be finished.

As the female lead, Alicia's scenes were not particularly much, but in order to finish her scenes within the contract period, Alicia had to shoot 12 or 13 hours almost every day.

The news of her finishing had not yet been sent out by Joan, and Alicia's return to J City was also a quiet one, so fans were not aware of it.

From a distance, Suny could see Alicia who had wrapped herself up with only one pair of eyes that could be seen.

When she saw her, Alicia's eyes lit up and she ran over, "Do you miss me? I've missed you so much!"

Suny blocked her red lips and looked askance at her with a smile, "Glad that you have finished your filming."


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