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EX-husband Groveling to Me novel Chapter 65

Suny had drunk some wine and was no longer able to drive when she left.

Kevin offered to drive her back, but she refused and called a chauffeur herself.

The last day of December had passed, and the previous year had passed completely, and even though it was past twelve, there were still quite a lot of people on the streets.

Suny leaned against the car window and looked out at the young couple, smiling slightly.

The chauffeur was a young man who looked like he was still in college.

When he saw Suny in the car park, he froze for a moment and stumbled over his words.

Suny smiled, and his face instantly turned flushed.

The boy was naturally not as good-looking as a big handsome guy like Kevin and Louis, but now the young boy dressed in clean clothes, but looked shy.

Suny didn't even dare to say anything flirtatious, really afraid that she would make him nervous.

When she got into the car, she was quiet. The light in front of her was just red, so the chauffeur just wanted to see if she was asleep, but to his surprise, he saw her smiling.

The first time he had seen such a beautiful girl in over a year of part-time work as a chauffeur, he felt his heart burst.

She was cool but amiable, gentle but with a bit of distance, she just had the right temperament.

The car soon stopped in front of the villa, Suny unbuckled her seat belt and raised her hand to rub her temples, "Thank you."

She smiled and got out of the car, walked around the driver's seat, intending to go in and drive the car inside the villa.

But the headlights shining from the front of the car was dazzling, and Suny paused to see the door of the black car parked in front of her being pushed open, and Austin stepping out from inside.

She frowned, honestly, she didn't want to see Austin tonight more than ever.

Probably because she had witnessed the love between Alicia and Ashley, she felt more and more how foolish she had been in those past three years.

But it happened that the more she didn't want to see him, the more he liked to appear in front of her.

Suny raised her hand to block the light, sobering up from her slightly drunken state, and looked at him with cold eyes, "I can call the police now."

The moment she opened her mouth, those were her words.

Austin's face was somewhat sunken, he had suffered more defeats from Suny during this period of time than he had in the previous thirty-one years combined.

He had left Starry Joy at eight o'clock and returned to his flat to have a quick bite to eat, but Elijah asked in the group if he wanted to come out for a drink.

He was in a depressed mood, so he went out.

Elijah didn't choose a private room, and it was noisy as hell in the booths, and the whole bar was crying like a wolf during New Year's Eve.

As he sat there, the only thing he thought about was Suny.

He wondered who she would be with for New Year's Eve. Steven had already left, but Steven wasn't the only one watching Suny's back.

Oh yes, there was that star called Kevin.

A young man, nothing but good looking.

In fact, Austin didn't think Kevin was very good looking.

He didn't know where Suny would be, his phone number had been blocked out. So he could only come to her doorstep and wait for her to show up.

He had been at her doorstep for more than half an hour before Suny returned.


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