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Ex-wife, Please Come Back novel Chapter 276

"I know exactly what you are saying. I know you loved me then and I know you love me now. I feel it." Sara leaned against Jacob's chest, taking pleasure in listening to his steady heartbeat.

He reached out his hand and gently caressed her smooth shoulder. "This house is located in the suburb. We could have the pleasure of enjoying the fresh air here. I think we should spend all our weekends here. Besides, ever since my father passed away, I have been thinking about selling the old house."

"Selling? What will happen to James? And how can you part with our father's memories?" Sara sat up straight. His words had caught her off-guard. Her face was red with shock. She couldn't believe he had actually said those words.

"Don't worry. You need to relax. I will take care of it. I admit that house contains so many good memories of my father. But then again we don't live there. I wouldn't like to leave it empty. And now that we have bought a new house, I don't see the point in keeping that one."

After speaking, he heaved a sigh and stared at the ceiling. Perhaps this was an act of selfishness. But truth be told, he was afraid of that house. If he returned there, he would end up recalling everything that had happened. As a consequence, he would once again get engulfed in guilt.

"Okay, do as you please. After all, it's your house," Sara said, realizing it wasn't right to tell him what to do. She hoped he would give this another thought. She wouldn't want him to regret his decision.

"Hey, I have decorated this room with a new and unique style. Are you pleased with it?" Jacob changed the subject. He stood up, put on his clothes and took a look around.

The bed was quite large and was in the beautiful shade of red. Merely looking at it brought warmth to people. In addition to the photos, there were several splendid paintings attached to the wall. They weren't drawn by famous people but in spite of that their presence gave an artistic vibe to the place.

Sara stood up, put on her pajamas and got ready to inspect her surroundings. She followed Jacob out of the room.

There was a big French window in the living room. Jacob had been careful to set many security equipments outside, but they weren't easily found. Once she looked around, Sara realized everything about this place was perfect. She could easily tell Jacob had put a lot of thought into this.

"When exactly did you do this?" she asked, picking an object from the living room table. This was quite a surprise.

She couldn't imagine the time and cost it took to collect these beautiful items. A smile crept onto her face when she realized how considerate this man was.

"Well, it's no big deal. Let's just say it was a piece of cake. Hey, did you see the lamp. It's over there." Jacob raised his hand and pointed his finger at the light in the living room.

Sara had been too busy with the objects on the table. She hadn't got the chance to take a good look at the light. However, her eyes followed Jacob's finger. The light was a little yellow. It was a hanging lamp and bore an uncanny resemblance to a pendant of the ancient court.

On a closer inspection, she noticed dozens of small lamps were used and scattered in every corner, creating a large chandelier. The light was dim and there was something quite unique and refreshing about it.

"That looks wonderful! Is it customized?" she said, her voice brimming with excitement. She was in awe of its beauty.

"Yes, but you are not completely right." Jacob wrapped his arm around her shoulder and stared blankly at the lamp.

"Why?" she asked and turned to look at him. His words had stirred curiosity in her.

"I designed this lamp on my own. And then, I made someone bring it to life. Do you like my work?"

As soon as the words left Jacob's mouth, she pulled him closer and kissed him.

He was quite surprised by her reaction. But he opened his mouth and obliged happily. After a while, he regained his senses. Sara had never initiated a kiss before. In fact, she shied away from showing affection.

"What are you doing?" he asked, wondering if he had just dreamed the whole thing. He stared at her.

"Well, you have been excellent. I thought it would be unfair if I didn't reward you," Sara replied shyly. Her face had turned crimson. Together, they went to the second floor and Jacob was eager to show her the balcony.

Their footsteps gave life to this new house. Holding her hand, he guided her to the balcony. Behind the balcony was a large area of flat ground, but it was filled with trees.

It was a hazy night and these trees looked like travelers, taking up abode in the dark.


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