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Ex-wife, Please Come Back novel Chapter 283

"It's okay. I'm fine for the time being." Unlike before, Sara's mother looked better now.

"Thank you for taking care of Sara for me for years. Once I recover, I'll definitely find a way to properly thank you." Sara's mother sat up. Although she seemed to be in deep gratitude, she did not look enthusiastic at all.

In Sara's memory, her mother wasn't the same person as before. In the past, she always wore a bright smile on her face regardless of what had happened. Now, there was not an expression on her face.

Life did not only take away her good health, but it also took her smile. However, Sara did not care about it at all!

"Mom, you don't have to. Besides, it's only right for me to do that, right?" Jacob, who was sitting in front of her, humbly said. He looked so much calmer than he did a while ago.

"Stop shedding crocodile tears. You have nothing to do with my life, remember? You don't even care about me! Did it make you feel good when you said those words just now?"

Sara asked with a sneer. Her mother was at a loss. Her face turned as pale as a sheet upon hearing her daughter's words.

Jacob cleared his throat to ease up the atmosphere. Sara must be furious, or else she would not have said those words. For all he knew, it was, if not impossible, unusual for her to say something unpleasant. Even though he and she got into a fight, she would only say a few words out of spite, and that would be the end of it. She would not even mean her words!

"Sara, I know you hate me, but I don't want things to stay as it was. Your father never came to see me. I'm all alone. Are you going to let me be lonely for the rest of my life?"

Sara's mother said indifferently. Although her words were pitiful, for some reason, she did not seem sad at all! She had anticipated that from her daughter and her ex-husband. However, she did not expect that she would still be reluctant to bite the bullet.

"My father? Have you ever thought about him? Have you ever wondered how he lived? Because of you, he barely had time to rest. You abandoned us when the company was on the brink of collapse. What were you saying?"

Sara frowned at her mother. She should not have said those things, but she got carried away. Why did she feel that her mother never regretted a thing?

"Can you blame me? I also have my own dreams and goals! Besides, if it was for the money, I wouldn't have married your father. When I married him, your father had nothing. For so many years, I stuck with him, supported him, and remained by his side!"

Sara's mother's eyes were full of tears. Although she swore to herself that she would not cry, she could not help herself.

"Do you know how I lived for years? I've realized that once I make a choice, there's no turning back. And so, I forced myself not to look back."

Upon saying this, the face of Sara's mother darkened, and she clutched the quilt tightly. Talking must be taking a toll on her, so she now looked paler and more tired.

"Enough. It's not your leaving that made us sad. We're sad because you still haven't asked for forgiveness. I don't want to say that you're wrong, but I hope you don't feel at ease. Do you understand?!"

Sara asked loudly, but it rather sounded like a bitter cry. She did not understand why her mother could enjoy their care after everything she had done. Moreover, her mother did not seem to regret her decisions in the past.

"My daughter, can you still forgive me?" Sara's mother now showed a pained expression on her face. Sadness in her eyes began to show as they wandered.

"How can I? Give me a reason why I should," Sara demanded with a bitter smile. Although her mother was pleading for her forgiveness, she remained unmoved. She had no idea how to forgive a person whom she loathed all her life.

Since forgiving her own mother seemed impossible to do, why should she have to try?

"Is it really impossible to forgive a person who has wronged you? I don't understand. I'm aware that I've made problematic decisions in life, and I've already been punished. It's not until now that I understand that life is like the moon in the water. The more I want it, the less I can get."

Sara's mother stared blankly at the ceiling. Her cancer made it harder for her to sleep and eat. However, she felt that the hatred of her family was worse than her illness.


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