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Ex-wife, Please Come Back novel Chapter 326

Sara's face turned crimson. Shyly, she suggested, "How about we go back to our room?"

Smiling, Jacob decided to tease her a little. "What, honey? Are you eager to get started? Won't you allow your husband to get ready?"

His words left her speechless. She couldn't believe this was the same Jacob she knew. He usually wore a solemn expression on his face, but now he was so different, cheeky beyond her imagination. She had no idea how to respond to this rogue who had no qualms about discussing sex so openly.

As she dwelled on her thought, he came over and pulled her toward him. Caught by surprise, Sara was about to shout. However, she knew it wouldn't be appropriate. In a low voice, almost like a whisper, she asked, "What are you doing?"

Devilish smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. "You'll see soon," he replied.

He carried her and she began to blush like a virgin. His eyes regarded Sara, eager to see the impact his actions had on her. Now they had left the sofa.

He took slow and steady steps with Sara's arms wrapped around his neck.

As he walked, he began to think how much he had changed. He hadn't thought himself to be a man who was capable of falling in love so deeply.

He loved her more than anything, even more than himself. In the past, he was pretty certain that romance was for other people and he was destined to be alone all his life.

But luckily, he found true love. And this was a happiness he cherished more than anything else in life.

As he continued to climb the stairs, a wonderful fragrance wafted in the air. Undoubtedly, it came from Sara's hair. Intoxicated by its smell, he sniffed and asked, "Did you apply honey in your hair?"

Until now, Sara had her eyes closed. When she heard this voice, she popped her head out of his arms and asked, "What did you just say?"

Jacob smiled and said, "I just wanted to tell you your hair smells divine." Then he stepped into the bedroom.

It was quite dark inside. He put her down and closed the door.

Sara leaned against the wall and made no attempt to move. She feared crashing into Jacob. He knew where she was. Lovingly, he said, "Honey, the wall is cold. Don't lean there. Instead lean in my arms."

Sara took a step forward and wrapped herself against his strong chest. His powerful hands hugged her tightly.

Without wasting a second, he began to kiss her hungrily. Surprised, Sara widened her eyes and then closed them again.


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