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Ex-wife, Please Come Back novel Chapter 336

Sara stuffed a puff into her mouth, and it exploded into a thick, gooey deliciousness. With that, a sense of satisfaction arose in her heart.

Holding back the desire to have more of that creamy pleasure, Sara took a plate and filled it with various delicacies. Once she was done putting enough food on her plate, she started eating with a fork. While doing so, she looked around to see if there was anyone she knew.

Strangely enough, Ethan caught her eye. It took her by surprise that the food she had swallowed got stuck in her throat. She coughed and gagged uncontrollably, so she quickly poured herself a glass of juice.

While she was taking a huge swig of the drink, Ethan walked up to her.

It had been a long time since they last saw each other. Because of this, Sara stared at him in a daze as she tried to recall a memory of him.

"Are you okay, Sara?" Ethan asked in a soft voice, an indescribable look in his eyes.

"I'm fine. Long time no see. How have you been?" Sara slowly took a step back and sat on the bench.

"I'm okay. A little lonely, but fine," Ethan answered while shaking his glass in an implicating manner.

However, Sara did not say anything further. She just continued eating with her head down. A deafening silence fell between them. Although Ethan was a good man, she felt uncomfortable around him. After all, she had turned him down before, making the atmosphere between them awkward and uneasy.

"Well..." Sara had no idea what to say.

Noticing that she could not carry on their conversation, Ethan smiled bitterly and decided to break the silence himself. "To be honest, I've tried contacting you many times, but to no avail. When I said that I could be your friend, I was lying to myself. Until now, I still can't speak out my feelings for you. Even as a friend, I can only look at you from afar. By the way, I heard about you from the news."

Sara was astounded. It turned out that Ethan was an honest and straightforward man. Sadly, honesty was not enough. The sequence of her life had already been determined from the start. No matter how hard someone tried, nothing could be changed anymore.

Just as Ethan said, they could only be friends. Nothing more.

"Well, let bygones be bygones. I've always believed that you're a good person anyway. You'll definitely meet someone else, a woman who's far better and more suitable for you than I am."

Sara got up and smiled at him. Then, she stuffed a slice of steak into her mouth, pretending to be at ease.

"Yes, I know. I just want to know how you're doing and who you are with. Sara, how are you?" Ethan asked, his eyes filled with sadness and longing.

If only he could, he would protect Sara at all costs. Unfortunately, he never had such a chance.

Sara paused for a moment and heaved a sigh. "I'm fine. Although I've been hurt a lot and suffered so much, I still believe in love. Actually, I'm going to be married again soon. It's just a matter of time."

Ethan had heard about it for a long time. But for some reason, he still felt surprised when he heard it from Sara herself.

"Are you... Does he treat you well?" Ethan's words were incoherent, and he was at a loss. All his life, he had hoped that he could at least have a chance to be with Sara, but his hopes shattered in an instant.

"Yes, he does. Actually, I never expected that he would treat me well one day. Now, I've been looking forward to sharing my future with him." Judging from her smile, it was undeniable that she was on top of the world.

Not wanting to spoil her moment, Ethan hid the disappointment in his eyes. Instead, he pretended to be happy in front of her. "Really? Congratulations! I'm really happy for you. I wish you happiness."

Ethan tipped his glass, a gesture that denoted compliments, and drank it up.

"It was nice catching up with you. Unfortunately, I have to leave now. Bye, Sara." Ethan smiled, yet tears were welling up in his eyes.

Sara noticed and thought to herself, 'Was that real, or was it only an illusion?' "Bye."

It was not until Ethan was far away that Sara finally felt relieved. Once he was gone, she continued eating with her head down again.

"What's wrong, Sara? Who was that?" All of a sudden, Sara heard a familiar voice.

Surprised, she raised her head and stared at the woman in front of her. It was Bess.

"Nothing. He's just an old friend of mine." Sara rolled her eyes when she spoke. Honestly, she did not have enough courage to look straight into Bess's scrutinizing eyes.


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