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Fatal Temptation: Between Two Alphas novel Chapter 24

Chapter Twenty-Four

Aaron notices me first.

He stops playing immediately and runs to my side.

I drop to my knees and hug him.

He pats my back. “We’re fine, mom. You don’t have to worry.” When I lean back and kiss his forehead, he studies me with eyes that see too much. “Are you okay, mommy?”

I force myself to smile. “Of course! We’re together!”

He doesn’t believe me. And he flinches that I might lie to him.

I hug him again and whisper, “Hey, my little man, knock it off. No reading mommy’s mind!”

He giggles. He’s still grumpy, but I know he won’t stay that way.

I’m grateful for these glimpses of my little boy. Children should be free to play and learn and discover the world. They shouldn’t have to carry the weight of their parents’ sins.

Morgan approaches. She shoves her hands into her designer jeans. “I’m sorry.”

Not a conversation I’m having with the little ones around.

My daughter squeals with laughter as she kicks the soccer ball past some imaginary goal line. Jace sweeps her up and tosses her in the air, cheering her victory.

My kids are happy.

They’re surrounded by kin. By packmates.

A dark thought swirls through my mind and then sinks into my stomach. I’ve denied these people my children.

Grandparents, aunts, uncles.

Cameron–his right as a father.

They never rocked my kids to sleep. Never took them for walks in the park. Or played blocks or stayed up with them at night when they were getting their first teeth.

A sliver of guilt burns my stomach.

Morgan continues to watch me closely. “Hey Aaron, why don’t you get back into the game? Your Uncle Jace… he’s way too smug with that last goal. I know you can beat him.”

Aaron grins. He’s definitely got competitive genes.

He runs off then stops and glances back at me.

“I’m good! Go have fun!” I smile until he turns and then I narrow my eyes at the witch who I thought was my best friend. “Walk with me,” I say.

We leave the kids and Cam’s family. I’m not happy about it, but they deserve this time. Alpha Healmsworth shoots me one angry look, as his wife keeps tearing up as she stares at the kids. I arch a brow back at him.

Daring him to argue.

“You’re… I don’t know, different,” Morgan says. “Your energy.” She inclines her head. “Is it being on the packlands?”

Witches draw power from the earth, so I understand why she would think that. “No, our magic doesn’t work that way.”

“It’s nice here.”

“Are you really trying to distract me with small talk right now? You promised me!”

She takes a deep breath. “I did.”

“Then why would you do this? You have to see that it’s going to be impossible to leave here.”

“Then maybe you shouldn’t.”



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