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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 44

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 44 – I follow him upstairs to find Cyrus putting my clothes on the bed, I quickly snatch them up and get dressed. I had this strange feeling that whatever my sister was trying to tell me before was something important. I didn’t understand how she knew about them and I know Eli and Cyrus weren’t going around blurting out their secrets to just anyone, especially a d**g addict, no matter how crazy and erratic she could be.

“Are you dressed, your sister is downstairs? You can introduce her to Bella when we get to work she can work the front counter with her” Eli says and I nod. This seemed too simple, everything about what Cyrus did seemed too simple. Wouldn’t she go through withdrawals? Can him just telling her to stop really remove years of d**g abuse?

When we got to work I introduced Taylor to Bella quickly before Cyrus gripped my arm pulling me away toward the elevator. He presses the button and pushes me inside.

“Geez settle down, why are you in such a bad mood?” I ask, rubbing my arm where his grip was a little too tight and I could feel my arm bruising. Eli steps in the elevator pressing the button to our floor. When we get to the office I walk out heading toward my desk when Eli grabs my arm.

“No, you are working in my office where I can keep an eye on you”

“What why?” I ask, confused.

“You think I didn’t read your emails? I know that’s how you have been communicating with Sam” He says steering me toward his office. Cyrus brings in a chair and places it next to Eli’s chair. Eli pushes me down in it, the chair spinning slightly and nearly tips and I grab the edge of his desk before I tip backwards. Eli sits beside me and I dump my handbag on the floor beside me pissed off that he was making me sit in here like a naughty child. I felt like I was back in school and being made to sit at the teacher’s desk for misbehaving. Cyrus walks in dumping his Laptop in front of me.

“Here use this. I won’t be here for most of the day” He says and I open it turning it on.

“Where are you going?” I ask looking up at him.

“I may have erased your sister’s memories, but that won’t stop her body going into withdrawal. I am going to have some placebo pills made up with my blood in them, stop her withdrawals till everything is out of her system. Then I have to organise things for Soya we leave at the end of the week” He says before turning on his heel and walking out.

I look back at the laptop screen realising he never gave me the password.

“Do you know his password?” I ask Eli.


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