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Fates Hands novel Chapter 117

Chapter 19-Book 3  

Dargon lay on the bed; his room was terrific with everything in it. He didn’t want to investigate anything even though he was curious.

All he could think about was the past, his mate, his cubs, and his friend Joran. What had become of them? How all the things that have changed while he was asleep. His memories of torture and slavery were all there as well as the laughing face of Selena.

She took his life in the worst way possible; she used him to do her bidding and killing. How many had he killed as her beast? He could see all the faces, but there were too many to count.

He wanted to rip out his heart to stop the agony; he wanted to kill his soul to remove the shame. It played over and over in his mind until Ra spoke to him.

“Listen, everything that you had done in that form was not of your doing; that sin belongs to that witch Selena. You have to let that go. I know it will be hard and seem impossible. If we are to defeat that bitch then we have to be focused, not lost in despair.”

“We have to find a way; This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com it will always be with us. It is up to us though if we let it dictate what is left of our life.”

Dargon listened to Ra; he knew he was right but putting aside all this pain all this anger would be a monumental task. Still, Selena had used her blood to control him, and now he was going to use her blood to destroy her once and for all time.

She will pay for everything; we are the only ones who can destroy her. We will help the others fight her army, but we go hunting when it is time. Show her what it is like to be relentlessly pursued as the object of their revenge.This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

Early the following day, Ava, Rachel, and Anna were in the kitchen discussing everything that had happened. Everything that was yet to come.

Archer talked again with Ashton about what was going on at home, and they all agreed that they could stay there no longer. It was time to go and fight for their future.

Rachel and Anna talked about what to expect; they knew that their mates were billionaires and what that world might be like.

They prepared each other for what they might have to endure from those who would oppose them because they were not born to wealth.

Of course, they also knew that they would have to wait to see what they faced. They decided to do what they always had done, stand together in unity.

Ava agreed to help; she knew something that they didn’t know. They knew she was holding back  perhaps a vision she didn’t want to share? They didn’t question her though seeing into the future is tricky at the best times. (2)

Everyone after breakfast decided to go and pack up; Dargon was coming along with them. He said that it was his duty to end her reign of terror. Everyone noticed that Dargon had gone hard inside. Perhaps that is all he could do to keep all that pain away.

With everything packed and ready, they were off to face what was waiting for them. Archer didn’t want to bring the girls, but he knew they were needed, and he didn’t have a choice; they would have found a way to come without his say in it.

Ashton was getting worried till finally Archer contacted him and said they were on their way. Things were getting weird and quiet.

There was a darkness to the very air. Ashton felt they had till nightfall before they would attack them.

Even with the enforcers that Duncan and Jack had sent, Ashton had a feeling they were going to be vastly outnumbered.

Ashton had figured out that many of the community were missing. He found out that the two closest families to The Bennet’s. were gone.

Ashton and his father investigated the homes. There was evidence that whatever had happened, happened fast. TVs were left on, dinner burning in the oven. Showers left running with no one in them.

Where did they all go? Who took them? Are they still alive? No one knew those answers. Since then, they have made a barricade of their home. Not just with material things but with magic as well.

There was that anyway, he may be old, but he was a great mage and loyal to the Bennets. Ashton had felt a little shameful, though. The Mage tried to warn them about this very thing a year ago. Ashton and his brothers thought that perhaps the old mage was finally losing a few marbles. 2This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

He looked over at Marnie, his mate; she was awesome. He loved her more and more every passing minute of the day. She was badass too.

Something that he knew he was going to struggle with all his life; he knew she could hold her own in a fight, at the same time, he wanted her safe away from any danger.

Chapter 117 1

They were on their way to Archers community; they should be there by sunset. Jack contacted Archer to tell him what they were sending his way.

“Imagine three hundred and fifty-two warriors from our combined packs and clan all showing up in that hoity-toity neighborhood all on motorcycles. Jack and Duncan both laughed at that image.” ^

Chapter 117 2


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