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Feel the Way You Feel, My Love novel Chapter 141

Shane became clear-headed at once and shoved her away.

Natalie sprawled on the seat and threw up furiously. Even her clothes were stained.

Within seconds, the pungent smells of the strong alcohol and her vomit filled the car, and that turned Shane off.

The veins on the sides of his forehead popped out. Holding back the urge to throw her out of the car, he rolled down the windows with a sullen face.

A few minutes later, the chilly night air replaced the stench in the car. His expression softened, but he still felt terribly annoyed, and it got worse when he saw that Natalie had fallen into a deep slumber. Even his head was throbbing now.

Soon, they arrived at the condominium.

With a grumpy face, Shane got out of the car and picked Natalie up.

As Silas saw the vomit on the back seat, he held back a sense of repulsion and pointed at the woman. “Mr. Shane, did Ms. Smith throw up?”

Shane hummed curtly. “Hail a cab home yourself.”

“Are you staying here tonight, Mr. Shane?”

He nodded faintly, then walked into the building with the woman in his arms.

Staring at his back, Silas shook his head with a sigh.

I can tell that Mr. Shane is really into her. Despite having mysophobia, he doesn’t mind at all even when Ms. Smith pukes all over herself. I bet even her fart smells nice to him now.

With Natalie in his arms, Shane came to the front of her condominium, pressing the doorbell with his elbow.

However, no one answered the door.

Aren’t the kids at home?

He glanced down at the woman in his arms. Leaning on his chest, she was sleeping soundly, and her lips curled up as if she were having a good dream.

Having no other choice, he turned around and went into his condominium opposite of hers.


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