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Fifty Shades Darker (book 5) novel Chapter 152

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“I had no idea you’d all be so worried.”

“When are you going to get it through your thick skull that you are loved?”

“Thick skull?”

“Yes. Thick skull.”

“I don’t think the bone density of my head is significantly higher than anywhere else in my body.”

“I’m serious! Stop trying to make me laugh. I am still a little mad at you, though that’s partially eclipsed by the fact that you’re home safe and sound when I thought—” She stops and swallows and in a quieter tone continues. “Well, you know what I thought.”

I caress her face. “I’m sorry. Okay?”

“Your poor mom, too. It was very moving, seeing you with her,” she says quietly.

“I’ve never seen her that way.”

Grace sobbing.


Mom sobbing.

“Yes, that was really something. She’s normally so self-possessed. It was quite a shock.”

“See? Everyone loves you. Perhaps now you’ll start believing it.” She kisses me. “Happy birthday, Christian. I’m glad you’re here to share your day with me. And you haven’t seen what I’ve got for you tomorrow, um, today.”

“There’s more?” I’m astonished. What more could I possibly want?

“Oh yes, Mr. Grey, but you’ll have to wait until then.”

She cuddles up to me and closes her eyes, and in moments she’s asleep. I’m amazed at how she can fall asleep so quickly.

“My precious girl. I’m sorry. I’m sorry to make you worry,” I whisper, and kiss her forehead. Feeling more content than I’ve ever felt in my life, I close my eyes.

Ana, burnished hair and broad smiles, is with me in Charlie Tango.

Let’s chase the dawn.

She laughs. Carefree. Young. My girl.

The light around us is golden.

She’s golden.

I’m golden.

I cough. There’s smoke. Smoke everywhere.

I can’t see Ana. She’s gone in the smoke.

And we’re diving down. Down.

Hurtling fast. In Charlie Tango.

The ground is coming up to meet me.

I close my eyes, waiting for the impact.

It never comes.

We’re in the orchard.

The trees are laden with apples.

Ana smiles, her hair free and wafting in the breeze.

She holds out two apples. A red apple. A green apple.

You choose.


Red. Green.

I smile. And take the red apple.

The sweeter apple.

Ana takes my hand and we walk.

Hand in hand.

Past the alcoholics and addicts outside the liquor store in Detroit.


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