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Fifty Shades Darker (book 5) novel Chapter 56

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“She knows me well,” Flynn remarks dryly.

“So what the fuck was all that about?” I ask. “Are you having some fun at my expense?”

“Definitely at your expense. I love to see you parted with your money.”

“You’re lucky that she’s worth every single penny.”

“I had to do something to make you see that you’re not afraid of commitment.” Flynn shrugs.

“That was the reason you bid against me, to test me? It’s not my lack of commitment that scares me.” I give him a bleak look.

“She seems well equipped to deal with you,” he says.

I’m not so sure.

“Christian, just tell her. She knows you have issues. It’s not because of anything I’ve said.” He holds his hands up. “And this isn’t really the time or the place to have this discussion.”

“You’re right.”

“Where is she?” Flynn glances around.

“Powder room.”

“She’s a lovely young woman.”

I nod in agreement.

“Have some faith,” he says.

“Mr. Grey.” We’re interrupted by Reynolds, from the security team.

“What is it?” I ask him.

“Could I have a private word?”

“You can speak freely,” I answer. This is my shrink, for fuck’s sake.

“Taylor wanted you to know that Elena Lincoln is talking to Miss Steele.”


“Go,” says Flynn, and from the look he gives me, I know he’d like to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.

“Laters,” I mutter, and follow Reynolds to the pavilion.

Taylor is standing by the tented doorway. Beyond him, inside the large tent, Ana and Elena are in a tense discussion. Ana suddenly whirls around and storms toward me.

“There you are,” I say, trying to gauge her mood when she reaches us. She completely ignores me and brushes past both Taylor and me.

This is not good.

I give Taylor a quick look, but he remains impassive.

“Ana,” I call, and hurry to catch up with her. “What’s wrong?”

“Why don’t you ask your ex?” she seethes. She’s furious.

I check to make sure that no one is in listening distance. “I’m asking you,” I persist.


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