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Flash Marriage: Slow Down Mister novel Chapter 125

Yolanda always wore a bewitching dress. With an alluring figure, she enjoyed showing off. It was typical of Yolanda to dress like this. She could do whatever it took to attract Horace's attention.

Yolanda was also wondering why Clara came here. Clara looked ordinary all over and she should be from a poor family, so Yolanda was curious about who invited Clara here.

Was it Horace who invited Clara here? On second thought, Yolanda shook her head. It was said that Horace would come with his wife.

Yolanda jealously glanced at the grand dress on Clara. "You do take care of your dress tonight. Then whom do you want to hook up with? Clara, how shameless you are! You don't belong here. Just get out if you know what's good for you!"

Clara had had enough of Yolanda, so she did not want to waste time arguing with her.

Clara moved sideways and tried to walk past Yolanda, saying, "Excuse me, please make way and let me pass."

Yolanda stretched out her arm and stopped Clara.

"Wait! I haven't finished my words!" Yolanda stood in Clara's way.

"You and Mr. Kirkland left so hurriedly last time that I failed to take a good look at you. I want to know how you managed to bewitch Mr. Kirkland. He had never cared so much about a woman."

Clara tried her best not to hit Yolanda. Clara did regret asking Horace to invite Yolanda to dinner. Clara hadn't expected that it could cause so much trouble.

Yolanda continued, "Do you know who come here today? Horace and his wife! Although I have not seen his wife before, I think she must come from a noble and distinguished family. So just give up. You're no match for her at all."

Clara thought, "You're wrong. I am Horace's wife, from an ordinary family. You're always so childish.

Yolanda got excited as she said, "Then are you afraid now? You'd better get out as soon as possible!"

Clara was amused. She didn't know why Yolanda was so snobbish. Yolanda actually thought Clara was Horace's mistress. Almost everyone dreamed of being Horace's wife, but Clara didn't. Clara wouldn't change for anyone, so she had none of the vanity so often associated with Yolanda.

Clara said to Yolanda, "I don't care who Horace's wife is. I'm here to attend the charity auction, not to argue with you, Miss Zachman. Please get out of my way."

Yolanda's face darkened.

She was irritated.

What Yolanda dislikes most was Clara's indifference. They both liked Horace, but Clara pretended as if she didn't.

From where Yolanda stood, Clara was too hypocritical! Clara always wore a pitiful look and pretended to be a good girl, but her eyes were tinged with shrewdness. Yolanda had met a lot of this kind of people.

Yolanda shoved Clara and said, "Although you are well dressed, you will definitely embarrass yourself before Mrs. Kirklan! Can you guess what Mr. Kirkland will do? He will ignore you, and you will make yourself a joke in front of Mrs. Kirkland! Overall, just get out of here, or you will embarrass yourself."

People were always judged by money and rights, but this was incorrect.

Most people thought it was superior to live a rich life and interior to love a poor life. However, happiness and health were much more important than money. Life couldn't be measured by money. Clara thought she and Yolanda shared different values.

Clara asked you, "What about you? Mrs. Kirkland will probably think nothing of you."


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