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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 140

“That can’t be!” I screamed as I got up from my seat.

“Unfortunately, it’s true…I had the same reaction when I found out,” Lucien responded softly as he heaved a heavy sigh.

“I studied so many news articles covering my mother’s death. It was very big news at the time…nothing about a murder was mentioned at all. It can’t be,” I said.

I remember cutting up newspapers to collect all articles about my mother’s accident so that I would learn more details about her death since no one would tell me anything. None of those articles mentioned anything about suspected foul play. Everyone was sure that it was an accident.

Just as when Lucien and my mother got married, her unfortunate death in an accident less than one year after the wedding caused a huge uproar. Everyone seemed to have something to say about their wedding and those people had a lot to say about my mother’s death as well. People who expressed genuine sympathy and grief were rarer than diamonds. Most people faked it while they honestly were thankful or even glad that my mother was gone from the Rosenhall family.

But…an unfortunate accident is just that…an accident.

“It’s actually common knowledge for senior family members of the family and the Elders that she was killed. The Elders invested a lot of money in keeping the truth under wraps. Of course, paying off the media was one of the many things that they did. We also decided to keep the truth from you, until you were older…or forever, in the case of the Elders. They didn’t want you to find out…at all,” Lucien stated as he frowned.

What he had just done was clearly in violation of the Elder’s wishes and verdict.

“Who killed my mother? And why?! My mother didn’t do anything…why did she have to die?!” I cried out in frustration and pain.

“We honestly don’t know…” Lucien replied truthfully.

“Then…how did you guys know that it wasn’t just an honest accident?” I asked, refusing to back down now that the truth was so close.

“The car was shot…that much was evident at the scene,” Lucien stated simply.

If we were in a drama, which I truly wished we were, this would be the moment that I would feel dizzy and faint from shock. Fainting right now to escape the pain and shock would be the solution that I most preferred. However, I knew I was no where close to fainting.


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