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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 18

After grabbing my bags and other necessary stuff from my desk, I headed straight for the parking lot. Once in my car, I spent a couple of minutes to touch up my make-up. Well, to be honest, more like reapplying the whole thing since my encounter with Edward hardly a lot of make-up was left on my face. Since Zak seemed irritated on the phone, I decided to apply turquoise eyeshadow with solid black eyeliners to my eyes and orange-tone blush with glitter to my cheeks. For lips, I went with orange lip gloss with gold glitter for a truly bright, cheerful and sparkling look.

These colors are Zak’s favorite make up colors on me. Actually, during his modelling days, we met up with some of his make-up artist friends and together they concluded that this is the best make-up look for me. As time passed, I would say that I prefer other more neutral colors now or pink-tones. However, Zak still prefers me in bright colors that we picked out that day. In more ways than one, Zak has not changed much over the years although he has definitely become more mature. To cheer Zak up, somewhat, I have applied the exact color tones that he likes. Let’s see what he thinks when he sees me today.

I drove off to the meeting place after I was satisfied with how I looked in the mirror. Life has been a mess lately for me, but as always, the promise between Zak and I to be there for each other still holds. Like always. Those days were tough for us but here we are.

I arrived after about twenty minutes with bearable traffic given that it is rush hour. The place Zak has chosen is a private invitation-only rooftop restaurant and bar at the top of a 5-star hotel. I’ve been to this hotel a few times but have not yet been to their rooftop bar. I’ve been to many high-end rooftop bars before so this one will probably be just like all the others. After giving my name to the receptionist, I was led to an exclusive elevator leading directly to the rooftop floor.

Slightly dizzy from the whiz right up to the top, I took shaky steps in my heels out of the elevator and into the bar. Zak saw me right away as if he’s been looking out for me for years while he waited. He came over right away, taking my hand in his.

“Thank god you are here! If you were even a minute later, I swear I could be dead right now,” Zak hissed his complaint into my ear as he clenched my hand even tighter.

“What is going on? And please don’t act like I was late, because I’m actually a bit early,” I replied in confusion with a complaint of my own.

“Listen. You remember Annie?...I guess you don’t. Well, the Annie whose father owns the Ritza hotel chain, including this very hotel. Ring a bell?” Zak ask and tried to explain.

“Yes…well, no. Anyways…are we meeting her? Why?”

Zak stopped walking and turned to me holding both of my hands in his.

“I’m dating Annie right now…and it’s not what you think,” Zak announced while looking me right in the eye.

“Look, we’re not really dating. So, it’s not like I mind that you are dating someone. There’s no need to be concern…” I wanted to finish but Zak cut me off.

“Come with me. You’ll see for yourself,” Zak said while dragging me again towards the private zone. Yes, even in an invite-only party there is a VVIP private zone. Great.

I don’t know what I was expecting after Zak’s talk just now but the very attractive women sitting in front of me right now was very far from whatever it was that I was expecting. She was gorgeous and so perfect that I couldn’t understand why Zak was having any issues. Annie has the figure of a model, brown wavy hair, blue eyes, beautiful pink cheeks and a very cheerful smile. She seems innocent, young and full of optimism. I think I’ve probably ran into her a couple of times at those social gatherings or fashion shows. Not that I’ve spoken to her much before. So, this is Annie Ritza, the sole heir to the Ritza global hotel chain.

“Annie, this is my sister, Natalia. Natalia, this is Annie,” Zak introduced us.

“Hi Annie. I’m Natalia. Nice to finally meet you,” I greeted her with a smile as I sat down on the red velvet sofa opposite her. Zak took a seat next to Annie.

An heir of a leading global medical company and the heir of a global hotel chain. Yup, medical tourism is becoming a thing. Just trying to do the math here…

The main branch of the family and the elders must be involved here somewhere. Poor Zak and dear Annie.

“Zak has told me so much about you. It’s great to meet you in person. It must be wonderful to have a cousin that is so close to you,” Annie started to make polite conversation with me. Her voice is so sweet.

“Yes, you’re right. We’ve been like best friends since we were around 13. I mean, we’re practically living next door to each other as well,” I replied politely back knowing that my voice is nowhere near as sweet as hers. I guess I should not mention the fact that we’ve been having sex more than regularly over the years. That might just freak her out and ruin whatever plans the main branch has in mind.

Zak has been silent all this time and one glance at him, I knew that he was off in a dreamland of his own. His eyes completely unfocused and glazed over. Great. Is she his date…or mine?

“Let’s drink. Cheers to our meeting!” I invited the three of us for a toast.

We chatted about random things and I think I began to like hanging out with Annie. Her optimism and just how pure she seems is like a breath of fresh air to the messy life that I’m currently living. Her family seems a lot less complex than ours and their relationship probably less dark as well.

It was getting late into the night and sweet Annie has had quite a lot to drink. I could tell that she has had too much to drink and is way past her limit. Less than 10 minute after that Annie fell asleep curling up on the sofa she was sitting on. Well, since this is her hotel it’s not like it’s going to be a problem if she sleeps here overnight.

The moment Annie fell asleep, Zak got up and stretched his muscular body.


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