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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 206

Deep down, I believed that I already knew the answer. Reiner was gone and he wasn’t coming back. It would be a miracle if I ever got to see him again.

“Umm…is my baby…safe?” I asked hesitantly. I wasn’t sure if they knew that I was pregnant.

“Yes, of course. Congratulations Miss!” the nurse replied cheerfully.

“…Thank you,” I said with relief.

Reiner was gone but our baby is still with me. I guess that was more than I could ever ask for.

“All done. I must leave now. Good luck, Miss!” the nurse said with a bright smile as she opened the door and walked out of the room.

At the same moment, Edward returned to the room. I wonder what the doctors told him about my condition. Hopefully they did not disclose to Edward that I was pregnant. It’s not that I didn’t want him to know but I wanted him to hear it first from me and not some random doctor.

“Oh…Edward, you’re back,’ I said as I smiled at him.

“How are you feeling?” Edward asked as he stood at the side of the bed.

Before I could reply he placed a bouquet of red roses into my arms and bent down to kiss me softly on my forehead.

“I feel ok…these roses just made me feel better too. Thank you,” I said as I looked back and forth between Edward’s tired yet still handsome face and the dark red roses.

“If they make you feel better then it was more than worth it. Should I place them in the vase over there?” Edward suggested as he gestured to the vase placed on the windowsill.

“Sure…how much longer do I need to stay in hospital?” I asked, trying to sound casual.

“The doctor says that you’re fine. You were just shocked and tired from accumulated overwork, so your body needed a couple of days to rest. They’ll do some final checkups and that’s it. You should be able to go home in two to three days,” Edward explained slowly.

Reaching out for my hand, he held my hand tenderly as he stroked my wrist softly and comfortingly. His touch was warm and caring. In that moment, I couldn’t imagine what I would do without his man. I bit my lower lip lightly to stop myself from crying.

“Lucien is worried sick by the way. I knew it would turn out like this, so I gave him a lighter version of your condition, but it didn’t work out. He’s still worried sick and making a super big deal out of this. We’re lucky he’s tied up in a business trip abroad otherwise he’ll be causing a scene here for sure,” Edward continued to explain the situation with a sigh.

“I don’t want it to impact my work…” I whispered softly. Above all else, I was scared that Lucien wouldn’t allow me to work anymore.

“I know. So, you should concentrate on your recovery instead of worrying about anything else. Let’s get you out of hospital before Lucien comes back. I also let Zak know. He’s also abroad at the moment but he should be calling you soon,” Edward said encouragingly, and I nodded in agreement.

Silence enveloped the room while I thought of how to approach the next topic. Edward sensing that I needed some time just sat next to the bed and played with a loose strand of my hair as he patiently waited.


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