From Contract To All My Life: I Own You

From Contract To All My Life: I Own You

Authors:Chang An
Num Chapters:43
Newest Chapter:

Chapter 43 The Anger In The Morning

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Fate has never stopped in its quest to make Joy's life an interesting turn of events. The man who she had known as her father wanted to kill her. Her mother, the one who she had thought passed away long ago, was now the wife of a rich businessman. And to add the cherries on top, Jimmy, the most powerful man in the city, wanted to propose to her. "Be my woman, and I'll give you anything you want and everything I have." Those words were the last thing she heard before she was dragged in into a whirlwind of drama, romance, and heartache.

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From Contract To All My Life: I Own You

From Contract To All My Life: I Own You

43 Chapters

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