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Get you in my arms novel Chapter 180

The sky began to burn.

The boat stopped in mid air. The sunset coated it with a golden halo, making its art particularly eye-catching. "Ellie, marry me!"

The words, made up of blue enchantress, were like a clear blue starry sky.

The crowd began to cheer.

After that, John walked up to Ellie, got down on one knee, and then showed her a shining diamond ring. "Ellie, come home with me. I can be your layman when you're tired, and I can be your back when you're sleepy. When it's cold, I'll be your coat, if it's raining, I'll be your umbrella. I promise, I will give you only happiness, without tears and pain. "

Both of Ellie's cheeks were as red. Her eyes were full of tears and her long eyelashes were fluttering slightly. Two teardrops were hanging on her eyelashes and shining in the setting sun. Her eyes were full of excitement and her red lips trembled with excitement. For a moment, she couldn't speak and just nodded desperately.

John put the ring in her middle finger, picked her up and spun in the air. His face was full of joy and ecstasy. Applause and blessings rang from all directions. No one knew that what he looked at was not his fiancee in front of him, but his childhood sweethearts.

The woman stood in the crowd, with tears in her eyes. She felt the happiness of seeing John as if she had obtained her own happiness. Lucas patted her on the shoulder and thought, "John is really something. No wonder he was so devoted to Sophia. Now that he has married his little sister, she must have given up on Sophia."

Several classmate of high school discussed in private.

"Gosh, things change. Our popular couple have become my brother-in-law and sister-in-law."

"Yes. I thought they couldn't be separated by the end of the world."

"Who do you think dumped first?"

"Perhaps it is because of that Sophia has broken up with John and she felt sorry for that, so she introduced her sister-in-law to John."

The night breeze blew softly and let the words fall into Lucas's ears. He lowered his head and whispered in the ear of Sophia, "your classmates are quite gossipy."

"I actually heard it as well. But it doesn't matter. Let others talk and we go our own way," she thought.

On the weekend, Ellie took John back to the Maud Villa.

Mo couples were satisfied with John. He was a high flyer from Columbia University, the youngest and excellent designer in K Country. He was also from a rich family and He was very good-looking and had a pleasing appearance.

A few days ago, Chunk called him. He was living a good life with Melody abroad. He was about to be a father. Now, Ellie had found a good husband. Mo couple were very comforted. They thought they could live up to their brother and sister-in-law's wish.

"Tomorrow, I will pick a day for you." Anna smiled and touched Ellie's head.

"Autumn, I have talked to John. We have decided to put our wedding next year. It will make more prepared." Ellie said with a smile.

Anna nodded. Half of the year had passed. After all the preparation of the wedding was completed, it would be the end of the year. The wedding shouldn't be so casual to marry a daughter of the Mo family.

In the afternoon, Lucas and Sophia came with the children.

Seeing Ellie, Kami and Teddy immediately ran to her, their arms crossing around her neck, and kissed her on the cheeks.

"You two are so intimate. Do you want me to buy toys for you?" Ellie was amused by them.


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