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Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak (Yasmin and Blake) novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36 

Hold on.Blake wasn’t done yet. His fingers kept brushing against Yasmin’s skin, making her heart flutter

She couldn’t help urging, Hurry up.” 

Don’t move,Blake commanded. How was he going to get the necklace on when she wouldn’t stop moving

Yasmin had no choice but to remain still. Blake was irritated by the necklace and turned her around to face him so he could put it on. When she looked up, she was greeted by the sight of his handsome face

In his straight suit, he looked like a king who was ready to command his forces. He exuded nobility 

eyes. 1 grace. Yasmin didn’t dare to meet his gaze, so she lowered her 

Blake noticed her nerves and glanced at her a few more times. She sat in his arms with a blush on her cheeks. She looked like a beautiful porcelain doll. His gaze was dark as he said, Remember to follow my lead when we’re in there.” 

Yasmin’s eyes were moist as she looked up at him. You’ll let Eunice off the hook if I do well, right?” 


Yasmin smiled

They were shouldertoshoulder as they entered the villa. The first thing that greeted them was a teacup that had been flung in their direction. It landed on the floor by Blake’s feet and shattered into pieces

I refuse to have a bastard like you in the Ford family, Blake! I was against that O’Shea woman marrying you in the past, yet you’re still getting mixed up with her. I want you to get rid of her right now!Arthur roared

Yasmin’s lashes fluttered in fear. She looked up to see two people in the living room. One was Arthur, and the other was Blake’s mother, Annalise Keating

Arthur had thrown the earlier teacup at Blake. He had one hand on a walking cane as he glared at Blake, looking furious. He was in his 80s but was still sprightly. When he saw how scared Yasmin was, he gave her a look and said, Step aside, Yasmin. This isn’t directed at you.” 


+15 BONUS 

Grandpa,she greeted obediently

Step aside. I’ll teach this scumbag a lesson on your behalf!” 

Yasmin tried to suppress her laughter. It was amusing that Arthur had referred to Blake as a scumbag. At the same time, she was scared by Annalise glaring at her from her seat beside Arthur. She lowered her head and stepped aside

Blake didn’t seem to be bothered by this. He walked over to Arthur leisurely and sat beside him. I haven’t done anything, Grandpa. Has someone been filling your head with nonsense again?” 

His uncle’s family loved tattling on him. Arthur was in good health, but his blood pressure was high. Blake was worried it would shoot up if he were to continue raging, so he tried to appease Arthur

Arthur snorted. I’m not blind. I can read the news for myself. I saw your scandal at the top of the trending topics on Twitter!” 

That’s just some nonsense those paparazzi cooked up. If you’re referring to yesterday’s article, then I’ll have you know that Yasmin was the one in the car with me.Blake glanced at Yasmin

She hurriedly nodded and chimed in, He’s telling the truth, Grandpa. I was the one in the car yesterday.” 


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