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Guardian-In-Law by Five Generals novel Chapter 11

Chapter 11 VIP on Business. 

“You keep pretending. How did a retard like you get the money to buy Goddess’ Heart?” Deborah taunted Kaze before showing Darcy her new necklace. 

“I can’t wait to put this on during my birthday party. I will then wear it to the signing event with Sky High when I get the investment. This is sweet!” 

Samus flattered, “Deb, you will soon be the brightest woman in 

Lilyrose! As for someone else, they are not even in the same league!” 

Everyone was jealous. They thought highly of Vincent for buying an expensive piece of jewelry like the Goddess’ Heart for his girlfriend. 

How generous! 

Kaze’s patience ran out. He stepped forward with clenched fists but Darcy held him back. 

“Kaze, calm down!” 

“Look at that! Look at the retard! Is he trying to hit me?” Debo pretended to be scared. 

“If you hit her, I’ll tell Grandfather to throw you out tomorrow!” 

“Hmph! A retard trying to beat Deborah?” 

The other family members stepped up to defend Deborah. 

Samus raised his phone and threatened Kaze, “Lay a finger on my sister and I will make the call to shut down Darcy’s stupid company 

Kaze glared at him. “Shut down Darcy’s company? I dare you if you’re not afraid to die.” 

+25 BONUS 

“My goodness! Are you threatening me?” 

Samus then made a call and said something on the phone. 

Soon, Darcy’s phone rang. 

“Ms. Quint, the bank is here and they are sequestering our stuff!” 

When Darcy returned to the company, it was already too late. 

The company was in ruins. Many of the equipment were seized, leaving only the office supplies. 

“Manager Gordon, do we need to register the computers as well?” 

Several men in uniform were accounting for the things they were confiscating. 

“They all belong to the bank now, why not? Make sure everything is accounted for. If you miss anything, I’ll hold you responsible!” 

A middle-aged woman looking harsh and vicious stood in the cente with her arms crossed. 

Flustered, Darcy went up to the woman and said, “Manager Gordon there are a few days left before the deadline.” 

“Who the hell are you?” Manager Gordon, or Kate, turned around and sized up Darcy from top to bottom. “Where are your manners? Stop causing a scene here and get out of my face. You are disturbing our operation.” 

“Which bank are you from?” Kaze stepped up and questioned Kate. 

Kate scoffed when she saw Kaze’s pitiful look. 

“Are you blind?” She pointed at the badge on her jacket and said, ” Lilyrose Bank. Widen your eyes and have a good look.” 

+25 BONUS 

Darcy pulled Kaze behind her and put on an ingratiating smile, saying, “Manager Gordon, please don’t be mad at him. It’s hot and he’s not thinking straight. He did not mean it. I’ll apologize on his behalf. 

“I’m actually the CEO of this company, Darcy Quint.” 

Darcy forced a smile on her face. “Manager Gordon, can you give us a few more days? Don’t cut us off yet. I’ll pay the bank back in a few days!” 

“So you are the CEO. We received a report stating that your company can’t repay the debt, so we took preventive measures by seizing your assets in advance.” 

Kate grew impatient and added, “Your stuff is already at the bank. Now move! Don’t talk to me. If not for you and your stupid company, I wouldn’t have to work overtime!” 

Darcy dared not argue with the woman. 

“I’ll go talk to the bank.” 

Darcy dragged Kaze to the Southern branch immediately. 

Unfortunately, the door was closed. 

Darcy made a few calls but she was told the bank would only resum operation the next day. 

She squatted with a bitter smile on her face. 

Then, a bottle appeared before her eyes. 

Kaze opened the bottle for her and said, “It’s okay. I already called the person in charge of the bank. We’ll come back in the morning.” 

The President of Lilyrose bank, Genji Lord, met him at Giovani’s dinner at Cloud Nine and even gave Kaze a premium Black card. 

Kaze called him and the man assured him that his men would deal 

in the morning. 

+25 BONUS 


Kaze and Darcy arrived at the Southern branch again the next morning. 

Kate and other employees were waiting at the entrance, all looking revered and shivering. They must have been waiting since last night. 

Kaze raised his brows and brought Darcy over to the entrance. 

“Genji Lord arranged for you to deal with this?” 

“What nonsense? Get the hell out of my face!” 

Kate scolded Kaze impatiently and then scoffed at Darcy. “Look at you, you pesky thing. Judging from the look on your face, you didn’t sleep last night because you were trying to gather money, am I right? 

I Don’t waste your time. We run a bank, not a charity. We don’t serve people who don’t have money.” 

Darcy was hurt but she forced a smile on her face. She did not y to give up just yet and tried to say something nice to persuade 

Kaze stepped forward and bellowed, “Move out of the way!” 

“You bastard, you…” 

Kate shuddered when she saw Kaze’s sharp gaze. 

“Tsk. Darcy, I bet it sucked to have your company sequestered.” 

Suddenly a woman’s voice came from behind, mocking Darcy. 

Kate looked behind Darcy and her eyes glistened. She went up to the woman like an obedient puppy, saying, “Mr. Hanser, Ms. Quint, welcome. Our president called me last night, telling me that someone important will be here for business in the morning. We have been 

+25 BONUS 

“This way, please. Our bank only serves WPPsikke Ms. Quint and Mr. Hanser. I’ll put you two in the priority lane.” 

Vincent looked proud. 


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