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Guardian-In-Law by Five Generals novel Chapter 24

Everyone was shocked.

What happened?

Ned was beaten and stepped on but Johnson, his uncle and also the mayor, scolded him instead of apprehending the culprit.

Johnson clenched his teeth tightly and stared at his nephew viciously.

“Uncle Johnson, can’t you see? He almost killed me!” Ned continued screaming for help.

“You got what you deserved!”

Johnson then looked at the expressionless Kaze. He clenched his fists and teeth tightly. Then, he looked around and walked to an employee to take the baseball bat away.

The employee planned to beat Kaze with the baseball bat, but it did not happen.

Johnson raised the bat in the air. As more than a hundred pairs of eyes watched in disbelief, John swung the bat down at Ned.

“Aaaargh!” Ned cried in pain.

It was just the start. Johnson beat Ned furiously and he did not hold back at all.

Ned continued to wail in pain.

He had never been so insulted and humiliated before, being beaten up by his own uncle in front of more than a hundred people.


Johnson then tossed the bat away and went up to Kaze. As everyone continued to watch in disbelief, he bowed and said apologetically, “Mr. Lee, it’s my fault for not teaching my nephew well. I am so sorry that this little bastard offended Ms. Quint. Please accept my apology.”

Everyone was silenced, shocked, and could not believe what just happened. Even Ned was speechless.

The entire lobby hall was quiet.

Who exactly was Kaze? Why would the mayor of the city bow respectfully to him?

Countless pairs of eyes stared at Kaze, wondering his true identity.

Johnson remained bowed with his heart pounding as he waited for a reply from Kaze. His forehead was covered in sweat, because the entire Brooks family would vanish with just one word from Kaze.


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