Dorothy was much more powerful than I’d anticipated. Normally vampires relied on other creatures for magic, but not her. Her energy was shrouding the entire space, soaking the air and overwhelming my own vampire senses. The shifter wasn’t dead yet. He rose to his feet, staring at me with fury and wiping the dirt from his face. I had to finish him if I wanted to get out of here alive.

Dorothy’s compulsion was affecting me, too, but I shook my head and blocked her voice. I had to kick his arse without my weapons, which wasn’t impossible.

“You’re dead, little girl,” the shifter growled, stretching his neck from side to side. Then his body went rigid, and he started transforming. All right, so I hadn’t anticipated that, but it should have been obvious that he would fight me in his other form.

I expected to see a wolf, but when he shifted into an animal that resembled a tiger, I had to admit, I began to freak out a bit. Normally when I tracked a werewolf, I was more prepared, but a cheetah? I was in new territory here. I suddenly missed my knives, and his damn sword was too far away. Fur appeared all over his body, his bones cracked and twisted. The smell of smoke wafted around the air. Something was burning, but I couldn’t see fire anywhere around me.

I inhaled sharply, trying to think on my feet. A moment later, a large cheetah charged towards me, and I needed to make a split-second decision and figure out how to kill it. Dorothy was shouting something, but I couldn’t hear her.

If I had any other magic inside me, well, now was the time to use it. He was going to kill me, and I didn’t know how to defend myself. The shifter roared, and every single hair on the back of my neck stood on end. Time slowed down, or I was witnessing my own end in slow motion. Saliva was dripping down his large fangs. I had no chance of escaping.

I just knew that, in a short moment, I’d be dead. My magic faded, so I did the only thing I thought that made sense. Maybe it was silly, but my normal “brave girl” wasn’t here anymore—she’d checked out. I shut my eyes, pulling energy from every cell inside my body, concentrating on this one final moment.

Dorothy kept shouting, but now her voice was fading. I didn’t want to listen, imagining the cheetah’s breath on my neck. Energy discharged around me, pounding inside me like a volcano. My heart started jackhammering inside my chest as I waited for sharp claws and pain. It never came—the cheetah yelped, then I heard a crying roar in the distance. I finally opened my eyes, releasing the magic I was holding onto. The shifter was immersed in flames, he was burning alive, rolling on the floor, trying to save himself from the fire. I glanced down at my hands, seeing flames, and I had no idea what I’d just done.

“Impossible,” I whispered to myself in complete and total shock.

The flames were killing him, while he was trying to shift back to his human form. I stared, thinking that no one deserved this kind of pain, but I couldn’t reverse the spell. I didn’t know what to do.

When I glanced at Dorothy, she’d just finished draining one of the other shifters. She looked grotesque, blood was spilling down her face, neck, and chest. She pulled away from one of the shifters and kicked him hard. He was barely conscious now, and the other one was staring at the wall. Damn, she was good, and I was still pretty amazed with my own strength. The smell of burnt flesh was making me nauseous. We had to get the hell out of here—this was our chance.

The cheetah shifter was now in his human form, he’d stopped burning, but he wasn’t moving any longer.

“It’s time, we need to get to the north fire escape exit. It’s the only place where I don’t sense them,” Dorothy said, stepping over the bodies. She wasn’t even wearing any shoes.

“How did I do it? I mean, I’m half-vampire, not a mage or a warlock,” I asked myself, but she must have overheard me because she answered:

magic. I don’t think I’ve met any other vampire with that sort of

didn’t have to tell me twice, and for a moment, I felt

go to the first floor; the corridor up there was empty when I snuck in here last night,” I told her, pulling her towards

caught?” she asked. Her eyes were bloodshot, this was strange. I’d never seen another vampire reacting from blood this way. Her skin was grey,

get out of here. A lot of people are searching for you,”

and even smaller rooms, but once we located the stairs, I was a bit less

like I had bricks of nausea rolling around in my stomach all of a sudden. There were other creatures here with us. Even Dorothy must have sensed them, because her face had suddenly gone pale. Well, pale from grey. My mind kept whispering “demons,” but I refused to

need to get out of here fast. I came in through one of the windows,” I said, turning around to see if Dorothy was keeping up with me. Blood rushed to my head, when a few seconds later, I realised she was nowhere to be seen. Then,

wasn’t blood. It was some sort of dark liquid, and then strange marks began appearing on her arms and legs. Fear punched a hole in my gut. We didn’t have much time, and I had

can’t move,” she said, and then vomited even more oily black liquid all over my shoes. I didn’t have a weak stomach, but after everything I’d seen today, I felt

of myself, and the nausea passed. I grabbed

even walk. Several steps further when I checked her pulse, it was very weak. Split seconds later, I could hear several vampires approaching. They were going to invade this area within moments, and there was no way I could

is just going to be pissed that you got

loudly, trying to think of something—anything. Even if I could heal her, time was running out. I had to

sped towards the light that was beaming through the small space between the window and the metal panel. After tearing away the protective cover, I dove through the window just before the vampires barged in. Their energy turned the last bits of food inside my stomach as I tore my hoodie on the sharp nails that were protruding from the window

refused to cooperate. One of the vampires roared, then I felt immense panic inside me.

her back to the cage. If she dies, I am going to kill

was shallow, and then the wind started blowing from the north. The sunlight blinded me as I changed my position, and then I must have pressed something, because

special magic, so I didn’t expect them to go out searching for me now. It took me several long

to do with this whole thing, and I

another hour to find my way out of the industrial part of the city. There was blood all over my clothes. I retraced my steps back in the daylight. Humans were staring. I’d bet I looked damn scary. I avoided most busy areas in case of the police—they wouldn’t hesitate to arrest me, considering the state I was in. Several minutes later, I caught a taxi, and with very broken Ukrainian, I explained where I needed to go. Thankfully, I still had some money on me from the previous evening. The taxi driver started shouting something when

knocked several times before Roxanna opened the

that racket?” a voice from the living room asked, and a split second later someone was embracing me. Small hands, strong perfume, and the smell of bubble gum. It could have

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