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Heart Hunting novel Chapter 81

"But Kenny, at least the destiny made Poppy and I meet each other. We met in the car shop last time. It's just that I didn't expect you to know her!" Noel makes a toast and says, "I won't poach Poppy brazenly, but be careful. Once you don't put your focus on her, I'll take actions."

Kenny answers sarcastically, "then go ahead, I mean, if you can... I'm just afraid that you can't." The alcohol starts to take effect, Kenny's eyes are stained with a sense of drunkenness. Even the tone of his speech is more casual than usual. But what he is thinking still can't be seen through.

Noel smiles and says, "Oh, really? Kenny Murphy, maybe I can't keep up with you in business, but as for chasing after girls, I don’t think so."

Noel thinks for a little while and then jokes, "what if I take her away from you? What will you do?"

“Take her away? Huh...Don’t be ridiculous. She is different from other women.” Kenny put down the glass and leans back on the couch. His thoughts are a little scattered, but soon he focuses on their talking again.

"How brilliant my goddess is. She has even conquered you?"

"So what have you done for her exactly? She doesn't appreciate it?"

Noel keeps talking about Poppy, which somehow makes Kenny upset. He waves his hand and says, "first of all, she's not a fairy. Second, there are lots of girls who are as beautiful as goddesses here. I can just get one tonight if I want."

"Oh, really? Mr. Murphy is finally going to hook up with others?" Noel makes fun of Kenny. He thinks that Kenny seems really angry with Poppy now, otherwise, how could he change his mind.

Kenny doesn't respond, he calls the club manager in.

“Mr. Gilbert, what can I help you?”

The manager is so deferential, and his smile is so exaggerated that his mouth seems to be nearly close to his ears.

"Do you have any girls pretty as goddesses? Send some here for Mr. Murphy!" Noel takes the initiative to speak before Kenny does.

Kenny gives him a cold look and adds, "one is enough."

The manager thinks for a moment, and then he says, “how about I call in all the pretty girls here to let Mr. Murphy choose?”

“That would be great.” Kenny answers.

Just within five minutes, all the pretty girls in the club come in the private box. They are all dressed up elaborately, some of them are sexy, some are in a heavy makeup, and some looks pure. And there is different smells of perfume in the air.

Kenny frowns his eyebrows with disgusted. He doesn’t hate perfume, but he doesn’t like the strong smell.

He passes by all the girls. At last, he chooses the girl with long curly hair who seems a little prideful.

Kenny points at her, “you!”

The manager immediately nods and let the pretty woman go close to Kenny. He asks with a smile, “Mr. Murphy, what about the others?”

The other women are all upset, they envy that woman chosen by Kenny a lot.

“Get out.” Kenny answers, holding the woman with him towards the couch.

Noel is sitting beside, he says deliberately, “Kenny, you are too cruel. How could you not leave one for me.”

Kenny sneers, “if you wanted, you would have kept one with you. Don’t act before me.”

The woman sits down, unlike other women who just hug men immediately, she pours the wine for them instead. Of course, she can’t be unenthusiastic, but it is just not the right time yet.

“Well, guess that’s it then. The time of the night is precious, Kenny. Cherish it.” Noel is also a little drunk. He leaves after saying.

Kenny holds the woman and goes towards the hotel. As soon as they get to the room, the woman suddenly changes. She is no longer so prideful and cold as before. She puts her arms around Kenny’s waist, “Mr. Murphy, what kind of service do you want to enjoy?”


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