I could see the fear on Carmen’s face as Alejandro stood up , his hands braced on the table . His claws were out and I saw his canines begin to elongate . ” Watch your fucking mouth . ” He growled . ” I’m sorry . ” She said , glancing at me slightly confused . Girl , I’m just as confused . Was Alejandro defending me ? He’s mocked me a hundred times … But he never commented on my limp . I felt a warmth in my chest as I looked at him . ” It’s alright , shall we carry on eating ? ” I said , picking up my fork . He didn’t seem to hear me , his gaze fixed on the she – wolf . ” Alpha … ” I said . Reaching forward , I placed my hand on his hand . He turned towards me , his eyes returning t o normal . Our eyes met but I couldn’t read the emotions in his .

He suddenly seemed t o realise where we were and looked down at our hands , pulling away as if my touch burned before turning and leaving the room swiftly . Rayhan whistled whilst Darien exchanged looks with Serena . ” Well … that was interesting … ” He said , scratching his head . ” Excuse me . ” Carmen muttered before she too left , not even sparing me a second look . ” Wow , was it just me or did the Arrogant butt hurt Alpha just defend you ? ” Raven said , looking at me with a smirk . She knew I found Alejandro sexy ! I glared at her but she simply winked at me . ” That was indeed something else … ” Serena said trying to sound normal , but I knew it had thrown her off . Darien was watching me with keen interest now and I felt a little uncomfortable . ” Yeah , Uncle doesn’t defend anyone . ” Rayhan said with a small smile . ” Ig he’s taking the promise to your Dad seriously .

He must want the strongest guess Alpha around on his side . ” I didn’t say anything . Was that really the reason ? I wasn’t sure … Maybe we did need to talk , without arguing . These mixed signals were really confusing me . ” Once you young’uns have eaten , we can give you a tour . ” Serena said . Rayhan and Raven nodded whilst I stayed silent , unable to forget Alejandro’s reaction to Carmen . Was it wrong to feel all fluttery over it ? I didn’t need someone t o defend me but when he had … it made m y heart feel things it never had before … It was a while later and we were strolling through the pack grounds . The two warriors my Dad had sent , Harry and Greg , were following behind us silently . This pack was definitely different from the usual pack standards .

There was indeed a lack of children and the elderly . ” Those who come to a certain age or want to take a backseat from fighting join other packs . Only those who are willing to fight t o the death stay in this pack . ” Serena said seriously . ” So , this is basically like a military base ? ” Raven said . ” You could say that , it is our job to protect packs . We are often situated and stationed at other packs if they need help dealing with rogues or something . ” Darien added . I nodded , I knew that .. ” Uncle’s done amazing . ” Rayhan said , clearly impressed . ” I have only visited here a few times with Dad but I was a lot younger then . ” ” I haven’t been here before . ” Raihana chimed in . I looked at the packhouse , or should I say , apartments .

modern design as Alejandro’s mansion . The training grounds and halls were a lot bigger than back home , this was indeed a complete military boot – camp in a way . I was impressed at what he had accomplished . The man sure was an incredible leader . It took us a good while t o make it through the entire area . People were

, I got to go , some business has come up … Have fun . ” He said , pulling Serena into his arms and kissing her before he rushed off . ” I had hoped Uncle would spend time with us . ” Raihana spoke quietly but we all heard . ” Dad told you not to expect too much . ” Rayhan said . ” Want to go to the pack hall ? ” Serena suggested , I could tell she

, somewhere the members who are off duty spend their time and chill . It’s like a five in one . Bar , arcade , cinema , diner and a lounge . M ” That’s interesting and different . ” I said a s she led the way past the apartment blocks and over to a huge building . The pack ground was huge , although it lacked that homely touch that we would see back home with young pups running around or the occasional garden outside certai houses , it was still an impressive pack . He even had a pack crest . Damn ….. I smiled as I looked at it ; two wolves , ready to attack , a moon with a crown between them and three claws running across

over it and smiled . I had seen this same crest somewhere else … but I couldn’t place where I had . It was beautiful … ” Alpha designed that . ” Serena added . I turned and looked at her , realising the other three had gone

. ” Meanie is not a word anyone would use t o describe him …. He’s ruthless , cold hearted and brutal , but a good king . ” She whispered , her smile was now gone . She shook her head , looking guilty as if she

there’s nothing between us . I blushed , thinking it wasn’t a lie . ” Oh , I know . ” She said , looking sheepish . 11 ” I just … It’s strange … ” We didn’t say more on the topic but I wasn’t able to brush her words off completely . The pack hall was everything one could want . There were wolves of all ages there , all bulging with muscles and littered with scars . I had to admit they were all pretty sexy , but none matched up to Alejandro . I could see the ones who were marked and the ones who weren’t . Females with strong muscles also mixed in with the males … some even put my toned body to shame . I could tell which ones

hospital . I almost forgot , that was meant t o be our last spot ! ” Serena said suddenly . I looked around at the others enjoying themselves . ‘ Greg , Harry , stay here . I’m just going to visit the hospital . You both have got to admit – I’m safe here . ‘ I said through the pack link . They exchanged looks before Greg gave me a curt nod . ” Take care of yourself and if anything happens , link us . ‘ I nodded and sent Raven a text message , waving at her to

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