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Her Dark Lycan novel Chapter 13

"Girl so you finally got down and did the dirty," James squealed, hugging Venus tightly while behind them Sophia clapped her hands ecstatically.

"Guys quiet down, someone might hear," Venus whisper shouted, as she bent down to tie the laces of her white vans, she was wearing a plain white tee loosely tucked into her blue shorts.

The morning that followed their passionate night, Venus awoke in Dantes arms, he bid her good morning and decided to show her how 'good' of a morning it was, before she had to shoo the insatiable lycan to leave as he had meetings to attend to.

James snorted.

"Bitch i bet everyone knows, you reek of him," James said shrugging, now looking at his manicured nails.

"Its true, when the alpha and luna mate and mark the entire pack feels it because its our completion," Sophia explained.

Venus stood shell shocked in front of her friends, horrified by the idea of everyone knowing about them when they mate.

"but we didnt mark or mate he just-he just...," venus trailed off

"Oh sweetie don't fret, its only natural, and its gonna happen sooner rather than later" Sophia said.

Venus smiled at her and they made their way out, just as they were about to leave the main door opening and Gabriel, Knox and Dante walked in, and they seemed to be in a hot discussion, frowns on their faces and knuckles clenched.

"Is something wrong," Venus asked worriedly, noting the look on her mates face.

Dante looked up to see his little mate walking towards him, his gaze warmed. The fact that his scent was all over her made his lycan growl and want to take her upstairs and make her his completely. His possessiveness over her was increasing ten fold and they hadn't even mated yet.

"Nothing that concerns you darling," Knox said, smiling knowingly at Dante.

"Knox dont lie tell me whats the matter?" Sophia persisted, while James nodded his agreement.

"Sophia i said nothing," knox said, sounding annoyed.

"But I-"

"I said its nothing!" Knox growled out angrily, and for the first time Venus had seen him loose his cool.

Sophia stopped short and a heavy silence descended upon the foyer. Her baby blue eyes watered and her lower lip trembled. Knox realised what he had done and an instant look of regret flashed on his face.

He moved forward and she took a step back, and hurt shone in Knoxs eyes but Sophias was already crying.


Knox got cut off when sophia turned around and ran out the house through the back door. Her mate looked lost and tried to make a run through the back door but Venus stopped Knox.

"I think you should give her some time," Venus said, and nodded at James and they both went to follow Sophia.

"Venus you are not leaving this house," Dante commanded.

Venus turned around to look at her mate frowning,

"What why?" She asked

"Because i said so, do not question me Venus," Dante said, his voice loosing its warmth.

"But sophia-"

"Enough Venus, no means no, you are forbidden to leave this house until i say otherwise," Dante growled out angrily.


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